The 10 minute workout

The 10 minute workout

If you are looking for a quick, yet challenging workout
keep on reading.

Some of the workouts I post seem hard, if you do your best
you can and push yourself to improvment almost daily.

It does take some determination, and it will pay off, this I

-The Workout-

1 x 100 Hindu squats
1 x 25 Dips
1 x 50 Hindu pushups
1 x 10 (dead hang) heavy breathing pullups
1 x 20 burpees

The time limit is 10 minutes, see if you can make

This same workout took me 5:53 seconds.
I want somebody to push me.

Train Hard,

Johnny G


  1. Can you post a picture of a hindu squat and hindu push up for those who don’t know?


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