The Emperor of Bodyweight
Strength and Endurance.
So what do I mean when I say the
Emperor of Strength and Endurance ?
Who is the Emperor of Strength and
Endurance ?
Any man who can break 132 stamina
and fitness records in my opinion is
the fittest man alive. The man that
is the fittest man alive (and it’s not
an opinion it’s a fact ) is Paddy Doyle,
Paddy has broken 132 world records-
A couple of world record that are
amazing is 1,840 burpees in 1 hour
and 4,705 bodyweight squats in 1 hour.
4,100 pushups in 4 or 5 hours with a
50 lbs on his back. These are just 3
world records he holds.
All of Paddy Doyles records are basic
exercises andyou could argue if you
wanted but Paddy Doyle is the fittest
man alive.
This is one man I have been studying for
years.I want to learn and watch the best.
Paddy Doyle works hard and keeps it
simple and doesn’t have a body anything
like a magazine body-builder, and yet
he is truly amazing when it comes to
Think about it for a minute to do 4,705
bodyweight squats in 1 hour you need
to do about 1,200 every 15 minutes.
See how many you can do in 15 minutes
and find any other bodyweight guru that
can even come close.We talked last week
about the power of 15 so see what you can
do using only 1 exercise.
So give it a try see how many bodyweight
squats you can do in 15 minutes, not hindu
squats regular squats. Legs parallel to the
Train Hard, and if your fat and weak it’s your fault.
Johnny Grube
P.S. If you are ready to break some
records “The Wildman Training Program”
can help make it happen.
The manual is great but with so many workouts, where should I start?
Start with what you can do. Some workouts are harder than others. Start anywhere and mix things up, just start.
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