If are looking for a quick 10 minute strength building workout try this 10 minute bear crawl workout.
The great thing about using your own bodyweight it doesn’t take much time to work up a sweat and get
your muscles working. The bear crawl is an amazing workout. The bear crawl works the whole body at
one time.
There are so many different ways to use the bear crawl to stimulate the muscles it’s pretty amazing. Try
this workout:
Get in the bear crawl position. Start to walk around. You can move slowly then faster. Bear crawl side
to side crossing your hands. Move laterally, Use one arm. Bear crawl backwards, this is a great shoulder
and arm builder. The key is to stay in the bear crawl position for the whole 10 minutes.
Try this workout and let me know how your body feels.
Toughness Builds Winners
Johnny Grube
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