Pushups and suicides are an awesome muscle building
combination tough to beat
I have talked for years about the simple approach to physical fitness
and health and get a lot of simple doesn’t work for everyone or that
there are exceptions. The only exceptions about a simple fitness
program come from closed minded people.
Think about some of the complicated plans you used and then some
of the simple plans you used and think about the results. Here’s an
example, if your focus is on doing 100 pushups but you decide that
you want to add pull ups to the pushup workout and focus more
on the pull ups than on doing the pushups, what are the results
you think you will get?
You’ll get better at pull ups while your pushup max barely increases.
But, if you focus on doing pushups with a simple plan that will put more
effort in to your push up workout your push ups will improve faster than
focusing on doing pull ups.
I believe when we exercise we should have a goal in mind, some purpose
you want to accomplish the quickest most effective way possible of getting
your desired result.
Two exercises that are making a comeback as real physical fitness builders
are pushups and sprints, these two exercises should be incorporated in to
anyone who is serious about real physical fitness and building lean, athletic
The pushup and the sprint will get almost every muscle in the body working
and working hard, the fact that you can’t do either one of the exercises very
long before your muscles and your cardiovascular system tell you to ease
up and take a rest should send a signal that these exercises are fitness
I can almost promise you that if you try just a simple workout of pushups
and sprints just one time you will be convinced of the muscle building and
fitness potential in these two exercises.
The great thing is you don’t have to have a full length football field to get
the benefits of sprints. You can do sprints on the side walk in your yard
or can do them on a tennis court a basketball court and even in an
All you need is about 5 to 10 yards of space which is around 10 to 20 feet
and that is all that is needed. In a little space you can use suicides as a
great alternate to sprints, actually they are very short explosive sprints
that can and will have you gasping for breath in under one minute.
To do suicides, mark off 5 to 10 yards – start by sprinting 5 yards,
touch the ground with a hand or both hands, and sprint back 5 yards
and touch the ground; and keep doing this back and forth for 30
seconds to a minute, feel the fitness.
If you add pushups to the mix, now you are really going to boost
your level of physical fitness very fast, and because pushups are
a great total bodybuilder you will be on the fast road to fitness.
Try this workout for 5 to 10 minutes: Do 25 pushups as fast and
as explosive as possible, and out of the pushup position drive
up into a short series of 5 to 10 yard suicides for 30 seconds
than drop back down for 25 pushups and continue this for
as long as you can. If you want rest for 1 or 2 minutes and
repeat again.
Toughness Builds Winners
Johnny Grube
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