Bodyweight Training – “Winners Train Everyday”

" Winners Train Everyday" I like this saying. But what does it actually mean? Does it mean you have to go hard everyday? Does it mean that if you don't train everyday you will be a loser? My take on this saying is when you let up you get passed. I do train everyday, and have for years. I believe training everyday has allowed me to stay very fit and injury free from conditioned muscle, … [Read more...]

Want to Train Like a Real Animal?

Want to train like a real animal? I hear time in and time out about how someone isn’t going all the way down or he’s not locking out. Okay, why does it matter if he’s not locking out or using a full range of motion? Who made up the rules? If I don’t want to go slow and lockout every pushup and wreck my elbows I’ll rename my pushups to “Speed Pushups” or “Speed Dips” etc. Meaning I … [Read more...]

Why locking out and using a full range of motion can be crippling!

Why locking out and using a full range of motion can be crippling! Remember you read it here first. Locking out and a full range of motion could be the reason for most injuries over time. First question, when you walk do you lock out at the knee with every movement? Second question, do you walk using a full range of motion? When you stand do you stand knees locked? When you walk are … [Read more...]

Bodyweight Training – 50 Suspension dips on chains

I'm a big believer in using what you have to build a strong and productive body in all environments. I also think that we need creativity to stay motivated to continue to make gains and to keep the mind fresh. In the video I'm doing some dips using chains from a piece of equipment in a park. I rarely do dips on anything other than a dip rack, but these were tough. Because the chains move my … [Read more...]

This workout is a 14 minute non stop knock down drag out ass kicker.

Here is a great functional workout that will build a different type of strength a strength that will have you ready to be strong and explosive. The workout is a 14 minute non stop knock down drag out ass kicker. Punch and kick the heavy bag for 1 minute. Drop down for 1 minute of Prisoner Squat Thrusts, try for around 20 a minute. Repeat this non stop for 5 rounds. Now for the 4 … [Read more...]

Skip Your Next Meal, It Won’t Kill You!

Skip Your Next Meal, It Won’t Kill You! We are constantly hearing from experts and doctors don’t skip meals if you want to lose weight. I disagree. The experts want you to eat five or six times small meals a day for weight loss. The concept is that by eat five or six small meals a day will keep you from being hungry and will keep your metabolism high. What the experts don’t tell you is … [Read more...]

Blue Collar DNA

Blue Collar DNA Is it possible to have blue collar DNA? We all know we can’t change our DNA, but what about the way you are brought up. Our country was built on blue collar DNA meaning nothing was easy it was a fight every single day. Some people are just brought up to be blue collar and some are brought up to be white collar but the funny thing is, is that our bodies are made to … [Read more...]

A Great Short Workout While Pulled Over in Traffic

Today while working coming through a construction site I was forced to pull over and wait for traffic to move. I took the time and got in a short workout of Jump Squats and Hindu pushups it was hot but I got in a short fast workout that got the blood pumping and a good sweat. It never takes any equipment or any special place to get in a great workout. I get a workout in anywhere I can. I've … [Read more...]

Here are a few crazy thoughts!

Here are a few crazy thoughts I believe in training for real life. The way the body is used in everyday activity is the way it should be trained. I hear so much talk about injury and how to prevent injury, why are we talking about injury? What we focus on we tend to get more of, focus on injury and injury prevention are you really going to get the results you want? If every time you … [Read more...]

Bodyweight Training – Killer Functional Exercise

Build total body functional strength with the wall walk. It's not as easy as you might think. It takes a whole body effort to stay straight and to just complete just a short distance. Try it but don't let it fool you. Just before the video the workout I did was jump rope 250 times wall walk half the wall jump rope 250 times walk the other half. Then jumped rope 250 times walk back half way. … [Read more...]