Bodyweight Training – The Hated 8-Count Bodybuilders

The Hated 8-Count Bodybuilders Many think that it takes a complicated well thought out plan to get in great physical shape the fact is that the more time you spend making your training more complicated the less time you spend training. Look at most training plans, most experts give you anywhere from 8 to 15 different exercises in any given workout and unless someone shows me that … [Read more...]

Labor Strong-Gym Weak Part 1

Here is a topic always being talked about and it seems that some think that going to the gym is the way to real strength and some think a labor is going to be stronger because of the type of work he does day in and day out. Well this is a topic I am the expert and at least can give you a bit of the experience I have seen in my 30 years of training and being a laborer. Despite what anyone … [Read more...]

How to become more athletic and explosive with these.

How to become more athletic and explosive with these. I love taking simple exercises and making them ass kickers. I love the jump rope and for about $ 4.00 you can get a speed rope and all the athletic, not to mention fat burning workout. If you add plyometric pushups with the jump rope now you have a chance to become athletic, burn fat, save lean muscle and build explosive power … [Read more...]

Weight gain does not equal strength and fitness

Did you know weight gain equals strength? That's because it doesn't. We are under the impression that Johnny Grube @ 240lbs if we gain weight will some how become a superman and be fit. Gaining weight can actually cause you to get weaker and become unfit. We are ego maniacs, we think gaining weight is some kind of miracle for becoming fit and strong. Years ago all I thought about … [Read more...]

Backward Hill Bear Crawls

Bodyweight Training - Backward Hill Bear Crawls Try these for strength. Bear Crawl backwards up hill walk down repeat 10 to 20 times. And the strength you will build will amaze you. Toughness Builds Winners Johnny Grube … [Read more...]