Physical Fitness is NOT free

I haven't spent much time writing because I have become disgusted  with how things are being marketed and how we are always being told by so many different experts so many different things. I'm no different, I'm just another person who is doing the same thing. But what I'm not doing is trying to fool anyone with a marketing scheme to make people think that in one week they will lose 12 lbs … [Read more...]

The Biggest Secret to a Street Fighters Conditioning

One secret in a street fight is the way you are conditioned for it. Fighting in the street is another animal. Years ago I learned in Shotokan Karate that no one in the street fights this way, how did I know this? When I was charged at and I realized just somethings will not work. I found that the guy in good condition usually gets the better of the fight when it comes down to throwing … [Read more...]

Fat and Heavy Training!

Does this look and type of training really impress you? Is this what you think is healthy? Fat and strong is not healthy, putting your body through this type of stress of one rep is not a fit and healthy lifestyle. I love the question how much do you bench? And it's the first question asked most, why? Hey being fat and training heavy is only a little better than the fat guy that sits on the … [Read more...]

Wildman How to train for physical and mental toughness

  Toughness Builds Winners   Johnny Grube … [Read more...]

How the “Toughman and Matt Furey” changed my life!

  Spend 10 minutes watching this 10 minute video and you will here a little about how my life was changed. And how two factors were the cause. All real no bull shit!   Toughness Builds Winners Johnny Grube … [Read more...]

Burpees for Physical and Mental Toughness

Burpees for Physical and Mental Toughness I hear a lot of trainers talking about building mental toughness through training and most talk about running as their way of building mental and physical toughness. I would rather use other means of pushing myself through a little physical and mental pain. If I do run distance I run huge mountain hills or go for a run carrying a 70lb to 100lb … [Read more...]

Ab Training for the Misinformed!

Why does every expert chime in and tell me when I do an exercise to do it a way that the abs get more work? #1 All my workouts incorporate my core. #2 I very rarely do any ab isolation movements. #3 I do NOT care about getting a six pack. #4 Unless the man or woman telling me has a super strong core and I'm not talking about a couple of minutes of the "Plank" I don't want to hear from them. … [Read more...]

Cross Fit Theory

Cross Fit Theory Cross fit is and has been popping up all over the place. Is this just another exercise craze? Cross fit athletes are amazing and the cross fit games are also awesome. When I first started training many years ago pushups, pull-ups tree climbing, rope climbing, sprints and weight lifting were the activities I excelled at. Then I got sucked into the being big theory is … [Read more...]

Special forces battalion and a whoop ass workout!

A quick email to let you know what the Special Forces is doing with "Ultimate Physical Fitness in 5 Minutes" Your new book has pretty much changed the way I look at fitness, It's been kicking my ass and I love every minute of it. I've been doing workouts out of it for my entire special forces battalion and we can't get enough of it. You have pretty much designed the best work-outs I … [Read more...]

Bodyweight Training Forget The Pushups Train the Legs!

To many men worry about working the upper body to look pretty or intimidating but the real work and benefits come from hammering the legs with strength and speed and jump training. The legs are the foundation for a great athlete. Leg training builds the powerful foundation needed to excel in almost all sports and in real life for functional fitness. Training legs is brutal and is the … [Read more...]