The Best Ab Exercise for a Rock Hard-Core

The best ab exercise for a rock hard core I never focus directly on ab training I find it just like weight training where you focus on one body part at a time. I like to combine body weight exercises that will include my abs. For years I had what you would call punch proof abs, I learned it in the martial arts and have let people punch me as hard as possible in the chest or stomach since … [Read more...]

Fat People are Boosting the Economy

Fat People are Boosting the Economy Yup, we can thank the fat men and women of this country for boosting economy. Without the fat and diseased there would not be a spike in health care, medical insurance, diet supplements, magazines, newspapers, internet, restaurants, fast food and the beefed up pharmaceutical companies. Why is medical coverage not like auto insurance meaning if you … [Read more...]

What is Your Limit

I have said it before to be really fit it has to be a lifestyle a way of life, you never get good at anything doing it once in a while, like anything you need a plan a focused goal and you need to take action. Just because I can't do more one day than the next I would not call it failure, it would call it body adjusting, meaning the body will always adjust. I can't continue to try and explain … [Read more...]

Doing Pushups to failure will always increase strength

Doing Pushups to failure will always increase strength Who ever sold people on never pushing to failure? Years ago when I was lifting heavy weights and doing low reps we always pushed as hard as possible squeezing out every last rep, so what has changed? It’s almost like pushing to failure is too much work and we don’t want to push and work to hard we might make gains, is it that you … [Read more...]

If Your Mind Fails You, You Lose!

If your mind fails you, you lose! I don’t care how strong you think you are or how fit you think you are if you are mentally weak you will lose, I have talked about this before and think most just want the workouts without the mental toughness but it will do you no good. If your mind rebels and you don’t take control of it you’re going to fail, that’s the big problem today. We have let … [Read more...]

The Injury Attitude.

Why is injury a bigger thought than getting fit? “ Mediocre minds usually dismiss anything that reaches beyond their own understanding” François de la Rochefoucauld An excuse not to push harder and an excuse to take it easy and an excuse to take time off, injuries happen but happen more often to men and women that complain and are negative about exercise. The men and women that make … [Read more...]

The 8 Best Bodyweight Exercises Known to Man!

If you want to know the 8 best bodyweight exercises known to man keep reading I have come up with what I think are the best exercises for a total body make over after over 30 years of training and experiments I have rounded out the 8 most intense result producing exercises for building strength, conditioning, agility, quickness, body awareness, and over all athletic ability. They … [Read more...]

Bodyweight Speed Training for Elite Physical Fitness

Bodyweight Speed Training for Elite Physical Fitness The key to building explosive power, unmatched stamina and furnace like fat burning is what I call bodyweight speed training. I hear a lot of people questioning the rational of training fast and explosive, if you listen to most fitness professionals they will show you the slow controlled way of training. Just because the … [Read more...]

Bodyweight Training – The 30 day 60 second Pushup Challenge

Bodyweight Training – The 30 day 60 second pushup challenge What is the 30 day 60 second pushup challenge? For most men it will mean pain and sweat, it will mean a shot to the ego; it will be a wakeup call. This is for men or women that think there is no time to exercise. If you are serious I have a challenge, and all it will take is 1 minute every single day, you heard it right, you … [Read more...]

Bodyweight Strength Philosophy – Part 2

Bodyweight Strength Philosophy – Part 2 I will start off by saying that whether you lift weights or use your bodyweight if you want to gain weight and muscle you need to take in more calories, if you want to get leaner you burn more calories, you can get learner lifting weights and you can get leaner using your own bodyweight. When I was younger and lifted heavy weights and was bench … [Read more...]