Wildman Physical Fitness Test

Wildman Physical Fitness Test All of the military have their standard fitness tests and the test seem pretty weak. The elite forces, The Seals, The Green Berets, The Army Rangers etc, all have tougher tests because they are elite, but are these tests really that difficult? I’m talking about the actually fitness test. Well, I want you to try the Wildman Physical Fitness Test, which … [Read more...]

It’s Your Lack of a Plan and Limitations that Cripple YOU!

It's Your Lack of a Plan and Limitations that Cripple YOU! How can a man at 61 get stronger? Isn't this an excuse for most men? No time or I'm too old. Yet, I continue to get responses from men in their 40′s all the way to their 70′s. But, how can these men make progress and most men or even kids fail to keep up with an exercise program and fail to make any real improvements? Number one … [Read more...]

The Big Muscle Ego.

What good is showy muscles if they aren't good for anything? Are we all fighting with a small ego, that if we aren't intimidating we will get smacked around? Or is to attract women? Hey fat men get laid too. And because everyone is fatter more and more fat men still get laid. So what's the reason to look big and massive? I know bodybuilders that are strong and very athletic but most work … [Read more...]

Training Intensity for better Results

This will be a quick post today, most people believe it's the length of a workout that makes a great workout and I disagree. In my opinion it's the intensity and the type of workouts you do that will bring the quickest results. Most people focus on the thought I have to train for 30 minutes or 60 minutes to get a great result producing workouts, which is just what everyone else does, … [Read more...]

Bodyweight Training – The Real Secrets about Prison Fitness and Strength.

The Real Secrets about Prison Fitness and Strength. So why is everyone so juiced up about prison fitness? What is prison fitness? And why is it so effective? Prison fitness seems to be a real interest to a lot of men and the reason is the so called level of fitness these prisoners achieve behind bars. Do these prisoners have some type of secret? Do they have some type prison … [Read more...]

Extremely Effective Power Pushup

A great strength builder is using plyometric's as a tool to boost your strength and conditioning, I say it a lot if you want to be like an athlete you train like an athlete. The only way to become the best is by doing things normal people are unwilling to do, to push harder and farther than anyone else. If you do the same things everyone else is doing you will always get everyone else … [Read more...]

The book “Convict Conditioning” NOT the real thing

I usually never ever talk negative about a product but I think it's really pathetic that the book " Convict Conditioning" is a fraud. I own the book and prisoners do not train like that. Do you think the prisoners train like gymnasts? Who is coach Paul Wade? He's probably made up, if he is really what was he in prison for. Knowing a lot of prison guards, police, state police and knowing … [Read more...]

The Best Ab Exercise for a Rock Hard-Core

The best ab exercise for a rock hard core I never focus directly on ab training I find it just like weight training where you focus on one body part at a time. I like to combine body weight exercises that will include my abs. For years I had what you would call punch proof abs, I learned it in the martial arts and have let people punch me as hard as possible in the chest or stomach since … [Read more...]

The Best Piece of Training Equipment for Building Quickness and Explosiveness

There a lot of sites pushing bodyweight training equipment but the one piece of equipment that has stood the test of time and has built many world champions in almost all sports and it continues to build champions. It builds almost all the things a champion needs to win. It builds explosive power, it builds quickness and agility, and it builds reaction time. The best piece of training … [Read more...]

WWE Tough Enough Bodyweight Conditioning

WWE Tough Enough Bodyweight Conditioning Some already know that I was a pro wrestler on the independent scene on and off for 10 years, and is the main reason I gained all the weight I did in a short time. Out of high school I was 147 lbs and could bench press 330lbs and deadlift 400 lbs at 21 I weighed 175lbs and was a competitive arm wrestler for a short time, but that’s another … [Read more...]