Working out or Wearing out

Working out or Wearing out I think I might be in the wrong business of trying to help people become healthier and physically fit. I have a few that continually write or comment that the things I say aren’t for the everyday citizen, I thought by the things I say people would catch on to that. I don’t want to deal with the general public meaning the regular unmotivated men and women, … [Read more...]

A 1,000 Pushups or a Marathon, What’s Tougher?

A 1,000 Pushups or a Marathon, What’s Tougher?   It seems everyone wants to run a marathon like it’s some kind of great achievement. Walking or running 26 miles would be tough, but how do you explain how every celebrity and ex overweight person can do it? I personally have never wanted to run a marathon because of the sear boredom, if I was to run a marathon I would throw in … [Read more...]

How the Power of Pain can Change your Life.

The Power of Pain We do whatever we can do to eliminate pain from our lives, but do we really?  People that smoke know that it’s bad but still do it anyway, why? Because, it would be painful to give up smoking, people that are overweight are overweight because the thought of giving up food is painful. People don’t exercise because in the beginning there will be pain. We do whatever … [Read more...]

Bodyweight Speed Training for Elite Physical Fitness

Bodyweight Speed Training for Elite Physical Fitness The key to building explosive power, unmatched stamina and furnace like fat burning is what I call bodyweight speed training. I hear a lot of people questioning the rational of training fast and explosive, if you listen to most fitness professionals they will show you the slow controlled way of training. Just because the … [Read more...]

Functional Fitness Expert and the Brain Surgeon

Functional Fitness Expert and the Brain Surgeon What does today’s functional fitness expert and a brain surgeon have in common? Nothing. So, what’s the point? The point is would you let a brain surgeon work on a family member if he just got out of medical school? You would think a brain surgeon would put in thousands of hours of preparation and study before opening up someone’s … [Read more...]

Bodyweight Training is NOT Gymnast Training.

Why don't I push gymnastic type exercises? Gymnasts take years and years of training to be able to do what they do, and usually start as a young child. I am not a young child and I don't have the time to spend hours a day to try and act like a gymnast. At one time I could walk pretty well on my hands and that takes great body control. Again, the time factor for me is to get in and get out … [Read more...]

Bodyweight Strength Philosophy – Part 3

Bodyweight Strength Philosophy – Part 3 This will be the final and third part to “Bodyweight Strength Philosophy”. I want to talk about how the fittest men in the world train. If you look at how the fittest men in the world train, you need to first decide what is being physically fit? Physically fit is not treadmill walking or spending all you’re gym time bench pressing. Going to … [Read more...]

Bodyweight Strength Philosophy – Part 2

Bodyweight Strength Philosophy – Part 2 I will start off by saying that whether you lift weights or use your bodyweight if you want to gain weight and muscle you need to take in more calories, if you want to get leaner you burn more calories, you can get learner lifting weights and you can get leaner using your own bodyweight. When I was younger and lifted heavy weights and was bench … [Read more...]

Mental Weakness

There is so much more to training then just physical training. Most have no idea what it's like to push farther then they have to. The fact, You will never improve or get what you want unless you learn to have a little mental toughness, you need to learn to push through the pain, to sweat and do what ever it takes to get to the point you want to be. Attitude is the biggest factor. If you … [Read more...]

Bodyweight Training -The Bear Crawl Effect

The Bear Crawl Effect Bear Crawls are an exercise that doesn’t get a lot of attention and has been around for many, many years. I first was exposed to them in high school football. But, I remember doing them as a kid and racing my brother. Little kids do these exercises and we don’t even take a second look. Plain and simple Bear Crawls will build a rugged body. Bear Crawls are a … [Read more...]