Labor Strong-Gym Weak Part 3

Labor Strong-Gym Weak Part 3 He is the million dollar question. If going to the gym will make you stronger than a laborer then why is every man and gym trying to imitate the way a laborer works? But to be cleaver the experts call it functional fitness or functional strength. No matter how you look at it, it’s copying the way of the laborer. Like martial arts that copy animal forms and … [Read more...]

Labor Strong- Gym Weak Part 2

Labor Strong- Gym Weak Part 2 The gym is a big social and ego event for most men and a place to look at women the gym is full of mirrors and nice state of the art equipment with all the new technologies. Here’s a question why do you new technology while walking on a treadmill? It’s just walking, get over yourself. Now look around the gyms what are men really doing to build real strength? The bench … [Read more...]

Labor Strong-Gym Weak Part 1

Here is a topic always being talked about and it seems that some think that going to the gym is the way to real strength and some think a labor is going to be stronger because of the type of work he does day in and day out. Well this is a topic I am the expert and at least can give you a bit of the experience I have seen in my 30 years of training and being a laborer. Despite what anyone … [Read more...]

“Jack of all trades – Master of none

We have all heard this saying at one time or another. But what does it mean. To me it's a man who can do a lot of different things but not real good at it. This happens a lot with men and women that have a lot of schooling meaning learning smarts. These people really never accomplish much but they can tell you everything and anything you need to know about any subject. I learned a long time … [Read more...]

A Great Way To Start the Day

If you get up in the morning tired and need a quick pick me up the best way to get energy is a quick bodyweight workout. All my life I have trained before work and it has always had a great effect on me, better attitude, a feeling of getting it out of the way so I can focus on the next task at hand. Your early morning training can be as simple as 25 or 30 pushups just to get the blood … [Read more...]

Is the Military getting Weak and Fat? How do you measure up?

Was reading an article how the Army was upgrading training. The Army is also fighting with the growing obesity epidemic. According to the report the number of recruits who failed basic training because of their weight soared to 70%between 1995 and 2008. In response, the old standards such as long runs and situps are being phased out for sprints,core training and agility work. Then the … [Read more...]

Fitness Magazines are for the Ordinary Man

Today's fitness magazines are a joke! I love reading the cover of these magazines, they make some big promise's. And men today will believe every word of it. I love seeing some of the celebrities workouts in these magazines, some but very few of these celebrities have a tough workout. I seen one workout with a celebrity that just uses a pullup bar and this workout makes him a super stud I … [Read more...]

Want to burn more fat and build lean muscle? Stop jogging!

Want to burn more fat and build lean muscle? Stop jogging! That’s right stop jogging. When did jogging become the standard in fitness? In the 60’s 70’s or 80’s. Just because everyone does it doesn’t make it right. Here’s a question. If you are a runner have you achieved the results of a lean muscular body?  I’m not talking about weight loss, I’m talking fat loss. All most all … [Read more...]

Start your day with bodyweight training

How you start the day will determine how the day goes. If you start the day with exercise your day will be super-charged. For you that don't have time to exercise get up 15 minutes earlier and start to sweat. For over 20 years I have trained before work and the results and benefits are amazing, not to mention the attitude knowing that the hardest part of the days done. You don't have to … [Read more...]

Fat Ass Gym Teachers

We have a problem with childhood obesity,and it's only getting worse. Who's fault is it? Ours. The parents, how about the the fat ass gym teachers in the schools. You know the saying " Do as I say not as I do". I don't really remember a real fit gym teacher, I know when my kids where in school they weren't fit. So how can people expect kids to listen to a gym teacher that's fat. These … [Read more...]