Building Explosive bodyweight Strength

Building Explosive bodyweight  Strength Johnny Grube doing explosive plyometric pushup burpees Building explosive bodyweight strength isn't complicated. It's more about taking a simple approach to your training and not over thinking your training.This above exercise is a great way to build a little explosive power into your workout. Doing workouts like the one in the video will … [Read more...]

A 100 lb heavy bag and a mountain – Functional strength

Functional strength seems to be on a lot of peoples minds, for the level fitness they believe they will get from this type of training. I put a new video up showing an exercise you can do using a heavy bag in the video I use a 100 lb heavy bag. I like to use heavy bags because it takes a lot more to control then a sand bag. A heavy bag is hard to get a hold of, a sand bag you can get some … [Read more...]