Using a 70 LB heavybag to do what I call "Shouldering Slams" are a working mans strength builder. In the short video demonstrating how I do it, this is not a childs workout and don't let the weight fool you. I don't just do 3 x 10 like MOST people would, I would do this for 5 to 15 minutes straight non stop putting it to my entire body. But this short video was the start of the workout I … [Read more...]
Don’t Be Gym and Mirror Strong!
The bullshit going around in today's sick and weak society is that being ripped and lean is the way to total fitness, guess what? Not all ripped sculpted physiques are of fit men, ever see a crack head? There was a time real tough men were built strong, fit and not so ripped. The ripped body was a product of I feel in the 1980's when bodybuilding magazines hit the selves. The problem is most … [Read more...]
The Difference between Squat Thrusts and the 4 Count Burpee
Decided to do a blog to show what a squat thrust is and what a 4 count burpee or what I call a military squat thrust is. As you can see in the video below is the actual "Squat thrust" The video below shows the 4 count burpee a.k.a military squat thrust. Try them both, both will give you a great workout, if you can handle lots of reps. These are not exercises that … [Read more...]
The 8 Count Body Builder a Brutal Version
The 8 Count Body Builder is an exercise that people will hate to do. It combines a full body movement requiring a physical and mental toughness. I hear in comments how certain people in the military did these and that they hated them, some say they loved them. The problem I have is if people love them how come people talk more about the new gymnastic way of training or the use of more one … [Read more...]
Bodyweight Training – Build Punch Proof Abs with the Old School Ab Wheel
Many years ago in the early 80's I seen WWF Champ Bob Backlund demonstrate the old school ab wheel. Never thought much of it until high school. One day an old janitor named Mr Mealy made his way in the weight room, he was in his middle 60's short and stocky. He grabbed a 60lb barbell laid it on the floor and did a standing roll out using the 60 lb barbell. At the time we were all very … [Read more...]
Complicated Bodyweight Routines are a waste of time!
INSANE 1 minute workout - can you survive it? Is the name of this video For years I have talked about the benefits of basic, simple high rep training for all around real world physical fitness. I also have talked on the benefits of keeping each workout to 1 to 3 different exercises. Most experts who write books or train people feel the need to have people do 10 or more exercises in a … [Read more...]
Every Day is Another Day to Build Toughness
Every day is another day to build toughness, physical and mental pain build toughness. Mental and physical toughness is also built through adversity, most people use adversity as a chance to play the victim card. People that cant handle adversity, and play the victim card are the weakest of people. But you can train physical and mental toughness that will help in all areas of life by … [Read more...]
Brutal Manual Labor Workout
In the video I am using a hand truck a 120 lb heavy bag, a 40 lb weight vest 10 lb ankle weights that is 180 extra pounds I am dragging up and down a pretty steep 60 yard hill. I did the hill 10 times and it was very tough and it was the first time I done this in training. But I had to drag the heavy bag while wearing the weighted vest and ankle weights about 600 total yards just to get to … [Read more...]
A 35 lb Rock picked up and pressed 807 times!
I like to take one day a week in my training and do what I call a "Mental Toughness Day" I feel most people that train don't push themselves enough. Of course every single person that trains will tell you they work hard! They know what it's like to push hard. The more and more I talk to the average muscle head and listen to his training workouts and with my years of being in the gym, most … [Read more...]