Bodyweight Training – Strong and fit is a combination of physical and mental capacity

Being strong and fit is a combination of physical and mental capacity. It's tough to be fit and strong with out being strong physically and mentally. Being mentally prepared for a great workout is important, if you are not mentally prepared you will not give it your best. You will be more likely to stop short when the workout becomes the toughest. Before going into your workout have the … [Read more...]

“Captain America Jones: THE WORLDS FITTEST MAN”

Here is another story of a man who didn't lift heavy weights spent a lot of time doing high rep calisthenics, swimming and running and the things he accomplished are amazing. His training program wasn't today's circus acts or gymnast style calisthenics, it was plain old thousands of reps. Alan "Captain America" Jones a captain in the U.S. Marines 5'9 150 lbs at age 5 a bout with polio … [Read more...]

Manual Labor Strength Building!

Manual labor work is a tough line of work, people can mimic the work but the real laborer knows it takes a physical and mental toughness to do it day in and day out. One video shows me dragging out 800lb cans which is a full body workout and when I drag and push two at the same time about 50 yards 10 times is a good workout. The other video shows rolling two cylinders weighing … [Read more...]

Manual Labor keeps a Man Strong!

Never seen before Johnny Grube at work! It's one thing to go to the gym and talk shit it's another to lift things all day long 8 to 12 hours a day 5 days a week. In the video at 165lbs throwing a 175lb cylinder on my shoulder and walking across about 10" of slippery snow. Try grabbing something with no grip, smooth solid and very awkward and shoulder it and walk it over uneven type of … [Read more...]

Training in Solitude Builds a Sadistic Mindset!

For years when growing up I always had many training partners but as life goes on training partners depart. What most people do they make excuses NOT to train, they need that feeling of being part of something. I was lucky and could always motivate myself to train without anyone, hell if I waited for people to train I wouldn't be training. Training alone force's you to get mentally tough, … [Read more...]

Complicated Workouts Create Weak Results!

Why is it every person that trains or pretends to train always tries to make a simple concept in to a complicated concept. I really think most people that train think the more complicated a training session is the better the results. For example, I put out short workouts that require little or no equipment with basic full body type movements. I limit the number of exercises in any workout to … [Read more...]

Thousands of reps Build Physical and Mental Toughness

It's rare I write a Sunday email, but sometimes I do things that don't make a lot of sense. Like to some people thousands of reps is useless and will hurt my body over time. I love the experts that tell me my limits, and what my body can handle. Can anyone think of many men that trained doing thousands of reps and have a broken up body? How many men that are in their 20's and 30's train … [Read more...]

Bodyweight Training – Swiss Ball Squats with an 80 lb Front Chest Pull

Swiss Ball Squats with a 80lb Front Chest Pull Something different that can be done with a swiss ball for building strength and balance.   … [Read more...]

Bodyweight Training – Training is like an Apprenticeship

All the bulls hit flying around the fitness world is becoming more and more unbearable. No one has any idea what's the best training method for them, the reason people don't get any results is no one wants to spend years learning what will work best for their goals. The people that are  jumping from one workout method to another never learn the basics even though they will tell you how long … [Read more...]

Self Hate is Societies New Ritual!

Self Hate is Societies New Ritual! Self hate is becoming more and more apparent. Look around, drive by any bar and restaurant the parking lots are always full, there is no recession when it comes to self hate. But the people that point this out appear to be the ones that hate. It is your right to live the life you want, and to not be bothered, and if you are aware that you do this and … [Read more...]