FREE Gym Membership

FREE gym membership In every city in America this country has free gym memberships available to anyone who wants them. Where can you find these free gym memberships? All you have to do is open up your front door and walk outside. The outdoors is the biggest gym of all, nature’s gym is all you need to get your body the way you want it. Creativity, imagination and the will to use nature to … [Read more...]

Bodyweight Backpack Pushups

Backpack Pushups If you’re looking for more of a challenge and want to build some serious strength when doing your pushups all you need is a sturdy backpack and some extra weight thrown inside. A weighted pack will test the toughest and strongest men. This is not an exercise for a beginner. For years and still today men all around the world use the bench press as the gauge for strength … [Read more...]

How to Boost your Fitness Potential with a Simple Concept

Simple concept that will work with health and fitness and also life, focus on what you want to accomplish and don't stop until you are happy with your results. It all starts with one simple action, start doing more of what you want to get good at. Toughness Builds Winners Johnny Grube … [Read more...]

Wildman How to train for physical and mental toughness

  Toughness Builds Winners   Johnny Grube … [Read more...]

How the “Toughman and Matt Furey” changed my life!

  Spend 10 minutes watching this 10 minute video and you will here a little about how my life was changed. And how two factors were the cause. All real no bull shit!   Toughness Builds Winners Johnny Grube … [Read more...]

Burpees for Physical and Mental Toughness

Burpees for Physical and Mental Toughness I hear a lot of trainers talking about building mental toughness through training and most talk about running as their way of building mental and physical toughness. I would rather use other means of pushing myself through a little physical and mental pain. If I do run distance I run huge mountain hills or go for a run carrying a 70lb to 100lb … [Read more...]

Bodyweight Training – The 100 Pushup Philosophy

The 100 Pushup Philosophy I have always said a man that can do 100 straight pushups will almost always be in great shape. How can I say that a man that can do only 100 pushups be in great shape? The first thing is 100 straight pushups are not easy for the average man or even most weight trainers. I have been training for over 30 years and have never seen any man do 100 straight pushups … [Read more...]

“Essential Life Training”

"Train Your Body for Real Movement - Not Gym Movement Today I still stand behind my philosophy of training. Some call it performance training I call it essential life training. The days of me worrying about how I look so someone will believe the things or say or write are over. I'm no longer interested in training just to train, I train to live and function better in today's rough and … [Read more...]

Male Ego Training

Johnny Grube as a  Pro Wrestler  (On left arms folded across chest wearing funny pants) Male Ego Training  What is ego training for men? Look around; go into any gym open any fitness magazine and you will see what I call Ego Training. Ego Training is training that feeds the male ego but the ego is more about looks it’s about how big they look in the summer wearing a tank top and I … [Read more...]

Something I hear time and time again!

Something I hear time and time again Something I hear time and time again is how this guy or that guy is charging too much for a DVD or book. Do people think it's easy to write a book and make DVD's spend the time and energy marketing and creating products just to give it away? The difference between a serious student of fitness and the never will be's are the complainers. It's the … [Read more...]