Bodyweight Training – Pushup 300

Bodyweight Training – Pushup 300 A long time ago I heard of a boxer that would challenge his friends to try and do 300 pushups in 5 minutes. This is doing a lot of pushups in a short period of time. The world record for the most pushups in 5 minutes is 441 pushups. These are staggering numbers and I can hear it now, that it's impossible to do that many, they are probably not doing them … [Read more...]

Bodyweight Training Philosophy

Bodyweight Training Philosophy Why do I feel bodyweight training is the ultimate way to train for getting into great shape, burning fat, getting strong and becoming athletic? One word, RESULTS! After spending many years in the gym and doing whatever it took to get bigger and stronger through the use of food (over eating) buckets of weight gain and gallons of whole milk, supplements and … [Read more...]

Labor Strong- Gym Weak Part 2

Labor Strong- Gym Weak Part 2 The gym is a big social and ego event for most men and a place to look at women the gym is full of mirrors and nice state of the art equipment with all the new technologies. Here’s a question why do you new technology while walking on a treadmill? It’s just walking, get over yourself. Now look around the gyms what are men really doing to build real strength? The bench … [Read more...]

“Jack of all trades – Master of none

We have all heard this saying at one time or another. But what does it mean. To me it's a man who can do a lot of different things but not real good at it. This happens a lot with men and women that have a lot of schooling meaning learning smarts. These people really never accomplish much but they can tell you everything and anything you need to know about any subject. I learned a long time … [Read more...]

Handicapped Again!

Just talked about this, I was out doing some Christmas shopping and walked by a couple that parked in the handicapped packing space. They got out both were fat and smoking, this is not made up. Why do I see this all the time? It's because I like to watch people. The guy was so fat and moving so slow that he was barely moving and had this fat old gobble neck. Did you ever notice that fat … [Read more...]

Where Did All Our Pride Go?

I don't just blog and write about health and fitness I also need to talk about the pride men and women take in themselves. One thing I see all the time and never used to see is the unbelievable amount of men and women driving around and using handicapped placards. Back some years the men and women who had a handicapped placard were actually old and handicapped. Today, it seems young and … [Read more...]


THE NO PAIN, NO GAIN THEORY I have been training for 30 years and in that time I have read any and every thing on the subjects of physical fitness, bodybuilding, weight lifting, strong man training, bodyweight training, kettle bell training. I have taken so many supplements over the early part of my training and have always been disappointed with the results not to mention the cost of … [Read more...]