Bodyweight Training – California Prison Yard workout.

This post will piss some one off, but I'm fine with that. Was watching a little T.V today and was watching "Prison Gangs" and was watching the way the men were working out. And guess what I seen, pushups, dips, pullups, hand ball, shadow boxing, light running. Guess what I didn't see? One legged anything no pistols, one arm pushups, leg raises, no handstand pushups not even a kettle bell, … [Read more...]

Bodyweight training prison style 1000 pushups,600 curls,do 600 dips,do 1000 situps STRAIGHT, non-stop.

Real Prison Fitness Training Ever since I did blogs about what true prison fitness was actually like and went against the book "Convict Conditioning". I got a lot of people pissed off that bought into the "Convict Conditioning" theory. I was told I don't know what I'm talking about and was told to stay in the gym,in the corner and do curls,hahaha pissed off people that were fooled. On … [Read more...]

Over Training Bullshit Part 2

Like I said in the last post over training is a gym term. For years my dad drove a tractor trailer and moved furniture he drank, smoked and didn't have the greatest diet but he was never sick and worked every day he never called in sore. But most gym trainers get their information from the gym and the people who train there. Most personal trainers can take an online course or a weekend class … [Read more...]

Navy Seal type training or Gymnastic type training

Navy Seal type training or Gymnastic type training I guess I look at training differently than the majority. I look at training as something that can be taken out of the gym and in to the real world.I want training that is going to help me survive. Today's workout's focus on training that requires a big learning curve and to me requires too much time. Progression training is what … [Read more...]

Bodyweight Training-Tough 8 – Count Bodybuilder Workout.

Years ago when I read a Navy Seal workout book and was introduced to the dreaded 8 - count bodybuilder I found a tougher than thought exercise. In the book the Seal talked about every Friday they had to do 100 non stop 8 - count body builders and he hated them so much that in the workout section he left them out stating " I left 8 - count bodybuilder out for obvious reasons" He hated them. … [Read more...]

Build Great Strength with this Old School Training Tool

I have told you before I was a weight trainer for many years before my body started to get beat up and started being less effective. Earning my living as a manual laborer and training for over 30 years my body started needing more time to recover than I spent in actual training time. But I didn't give up all old school training tools. I have some that are over 25 years old. One that I … [Read more...]

Physical Fitness is NOT free

I haven't spent much time writing because I have become disgusted  with how things are being marketed and how we are always being told by so many different experts so many different things. I'm no different, I'm just another person who is doing the same thing. But what I'm not doing is trying to fool anyone with a marketing scheme to make people think that in one week they will lose 12 lbs … [Read more...]

Wildman How to train for physical and mental toughness

  Toughness Builds Winners   Johnny Grube … [Read more...]

Shut the f*** up wildman!

Fictional Training This is a comment I got on my blog about convict conditioning I  guess I really hurt this scum bags feelings and the reason is people want a super hero story instead of the real truth. Author : you are ignorant E-mail : URL    : Whois  : Comment: Wow, having spent six years in prison I can … [Read more...]

Burpees for Physical and Mental Toughness

Burpees for Physical and Mental Toughness I hear a lot of trainers talking about building mental toughness through training and most talk about running as their way of building mental and physical toughness. I would rather use other means of pushing myself through a little physical and mental pain. If I do run distance I run huge mountain hills or go for a run carrying a 70lb to 100lb … [Read more...]