Bodyweight Training Forget The Pushups Train the Legs!

To many men worry about working the upper body to look pretty or intimidating but the real work and benefits come from hammering the legs with strength and speed and jump training. The legs are the foundation for a great athlete. Leg training builds the powerful foundation needed to excel in almost all sports and in real life for functional fitness. Training legs is brutal and is the … [Read more...]

Bodyweight Training – “Winners Train Everyday”

" Winners Train Everyday" I like this saying. But what does it actually mean? Does it mean you have to go hard everyday? Does it mean that if you don't train everyday you will be a loser? My take on this saying is when you let up you get passed. I do train everyday, and have for years. I believe training everyday has allowed me to stay very fit and injury free from conditioned muscle, … [Read more...]

“Conditioned Strength”

“Conditioned Strength” Years ago I didn’t know the different kinds of strength I only knew that strength and physical fitness always interested me and I was drawn right to it. The only strength athlete was my dad a truck driver over the road furniture mover short and thick, could lift almost anything he got his hands on and could go for hours despite smoking 2 packs of non filter … [Read more...]

This workout is a 14 minute non stop knock down drag out ass kicker.

Here is a great functional workout that will build a different type of strength a strength that will have you ready to be strong and explosive. The workout is a 14 minute non stop knock down drag out ass kicker. Punch and kick the heavy bag for 1 minute. Drop down for 1 minute of Prisoner Squat Thrusts, try for around 20 a minute. Repeat this non stop for 5 rounds. Now for the 4 … [Read more...]

Skip Your Next Meal, It Won’t Kill You!

Skip Your Next Meal, It Won’t Kill You! We are constantly hearing from experts and doctors don’t skip meals if you want to lose weight. I disagree. The experts want you to eat five or six times small meals a day for weight loss. The concept is that by eat five or six small meals a day will keep you from being hungry and will keep your metabolism high. What the experts don’t tell you is … [Read more...]

Here are a few crazy thoughts!

Here are a few crazy thoughts I believe in training for real life. The way the body is used in everyday activity is the way it should be trained. I hear so much talk about injury and how to prevent injury, why are we talking about injury? What we focus on we tend to get more of, focus on injury and injury prevention are you really going to get the results you want? If every time you … [Read more...]

The Basics Build Over all Conditioning

Most people think that building a high level of physical fitness and strength comes from training when they feel like it. Physical fitness never has or never will be built on a when I feel like training attitude. True physical fitness is built over a life time of sweat and punishment and the rewards are amazing. Everyday I have people emailing me and telling me how just changing a few … [Read more...]

Bodyweight Training – Killer Functional Exercise

Build total body functional strength with the wall walk. It's not as easy as you might think. It takes a whole body effort to stay straight and to just complete just a short distance. Try it but don't let it fool you. Just before the video the workout I did was jump rope 250 times wall walk half the wall jump rope 250 times walk the other half. Then jumped rope 250 times walk back half way. … [Read more...]

Bodyweight Training is NOT for the weak!

Bodyweight training is not for the weak, using your bodyweight is a serious workout, and most men can not handle their own bodyweight. Weights are used because they are easier to use than your bodyweight. Most men think by walking on treadmill and doing some curls and dumbell fly's they are building a great body. There is a reason why gym membership is up and down and it's because the … [Read more...]

A Navy Seal breathing Heavy & Runners are Weak

Why do I continue to tell people that my blogs and newsletter is not for the normal man or women and still people don't get the idea. I talk about the things other people won't talk about, I talk about real life situations that I see everyday and from the over 30 years of being around the physical labor trade and  gyms. I don't talk much about white collar, that speaks for itself. No … [Read more...]