60 seconds of training burns out man!

A while back I wrote a article called the " 60 second - 30 day pushup challenge" and know this works. Anyhow, I have actually heard and read where some guy actually said he was burned out with only 1 minute a day of pushups, are you F***'en kidding me? How can any healthy man, unless he is extremely unfit or unhealthy get burned out with 60 seconds of pushups one time a day? 1 minute of … [Read more...]

The Warriors Natural Bodyweight

The Warriors Natural Bodyweight We seem to have a problem determining what our natural bodyweight should be. If you look at all government charts look at your height and weight you will get a roundabout weight you should weigh. But if you look at old charts, let’s say 20 years ago you may see the weights today compared to 20 or 30 years ago lower than today. So, why the change? Because … [Read more...]

If Your Mind Fails You, You Lose!

If your mind fails you, you lose! I don’t care how strong you think you are or how fit you think you are if you are mentally weak you will lose, I have talked about this before and think most just want the workouts without the mental toughness but it will do you no good. If your mind rebels and you don’t take control of it you’re going to fail, that’s the big problem today. We have let … [Read more...]

The Injury Attitude.

Why is injury a bigger thought than getting fit? “ Mediocre minds usually dismiss anything that reaches beyond their own understanding” François de la Rochefoucauld An excuse not to push harder and an excuse to take it easy and an excuse to take time off, injuries happen but happen more often to men and women that complain and are negative about exercise. The men and women that make … [Read more...]

Bodyweight Training – Iron-Core Training

I'm a big fan of building a strong, functional core. I build my core through training my body as a whole and don't directly focus on my core, I focus on strengthening the body as one unit. I focus on all around functional core fitness and the strength that will enable me to function with full body strength and no injuries. Check out this short video and try this core … [Read more...]

I’m Scrawny, and I dare you to Kick Sand in my Face!

Remember the old Charles Atlas dynamic training course? He advertised it in magazines, the ad was a comic strip showing a skinny guy on the beach with his girlfriend and a big dude walks up to him and man handles the scrawny guy embarrassing him, he runs home; orders the course and 14 days later he’s big and back at the beach taking care of business. We still live in a time that it’s … [Read more...]

The 8 Best Bodyweight Exercises Known to Man!

If you want to know the 8 best bodyweight exercises known to man keep reading I have come up with what I think are the best exercises for a total body make over after over 30 years of training and experiments I have rounded out the 8 most intense result producing exercises for building strength, conditioning, agility, quickness, body awareness, and over all athletic ability. They … [Read more...]

How Pushups Can Burn Fat

How Pushups Can Burn Fat When people think about burning fat or losing weight most automatically think jogging, walking, biking, treadmills the regular gym staples are the only way and the best way. The best way to burn fat and keep it off is a combination of your eating habits and exercises that use many muscles at one time, the bigger and more muscles you bring in to play the more … [Read more...]

Bodyweight Training for Function.

Not all training was created equal, you can see it everyday just by looking around. Most go to the gym follow whatever they read or see other people doing and as you know this will not always work. If it was just that easy every one would be lean and fit. Most go to the gym and go through the motion and never really get the full benefit of making exercise a life long love. They go … [Read more...]

4,300 Pushups!

4,300 Pushups! Why is it when anyone tells it like it is or tries to be him or herself right away they either have an attitude are arrogant are rude etc. I’m fighting with all the excuses know to man, the body wears down, be careful you don’t get injured I don’t have the time, that type of training doesn’t work for everyone, I didn’t create these workouts. Every year I do a … [Read more...]