Bodyweight Strength Philosophy – Part 3

Bodyweight Strength Philosophy – Part 3 This will be the final and third part to “Bodyweight Strength Philosophy”. I want to talk about how the fittest men in the world train. If you look at how the fittest men in the world train, you need to first decide what is being physically fit? Physically fit is not treadmill walking or spending all you’re gym time bench pressing. Going to … [Read more...]

Bodyweight Strength Philosophy – Part 2

Bodyweight Strength Philosophy – Part 2 I will start off by saying that whether you lift weights or use your bodyweight if you want to gain weight and muscle you need to take in more calories, if you want to get leaner you burn more calories, you can get learner lifting weights and you can get leaner using your own bodyweight. When I was younger and lifted heavy weights and was bench … [Read more...]

Bodyweight Training – Pushup 300

Bodyweight Training – Pushup 300 A long time ago I heard of a boxer that would challenge his friends to try and do 300 pushups in 5 minutes. This is doing a lot of pushups in a short period of time. The world record for the most pushups in 5 minutes is 441 pushups. These are staggering numbers and I can hear it now, that it's impossible to do that many, they are probably not doing them … [Read more...]

Bodyweight Training – The Hated 8-Count Bodybuilders

The Hated 8-Count Bodybuilders Many think that it takes a complicated well thought out plan to get in great physical shape the fact is that the more time you spend making your training more complicated the less time you spend training. Look at most training plans, most experts give you anywhere from 8 to 15 different exercises in any given workout and unless someone shows me that … [Read more...]

Your Body Is Your Kingdom

Fitness guru and legend Jack Lalanne said " Exercise is King, Nutrition is Queen" I believe the above saying to be true, it's hard to have one with out the other. It's no good to exercise and then sit down and eat unnatural foods. It also makes no sense to eat good and let your muscles get soft and weak from lack of exercise. Many men and women will have you believe that it's okay to eat … [Read more...]

Mental Weakness

There is so much more to training then just physical training. Most have no idea what it's like to push farther then they have to. The fact, You will never improve or get what you want unless you learn to have a little mental toughness, you need to learn to push through the pain, to sweat and do what ever it takes to get to the point you want to be. Attitude is the biggest factor. If you … [Read more...]

Bodyweight Training -The Bear Crawl Effect

The Bear Crawl Effect Bear Crawls are an exercise that doesn’t get a lot of attention and has been around for many, many years. I first was exposed to them in high school football. But, I remember doing them as a kid and racing my brother. Little kids do these exercises and we don’t even take a second look. Plain and simple Bear Crawls will build a rugged body. Bear Crawls are a … [Read more...]

Bodyweight Training Philosophy

Bodyweight Training Philosophy Why do I feel bodyweight training is the ultimate way to train for getting into great shape, burning fat, getting strong and becoming athletic? One word, RESULTS! After spending many years in the gym and doing whatever it took to get bigger and stronger through the use of food (over eating) buckets of weight gain and gallons of whole milk, supplements and … [Read more...]

Labor Strong-Gym Weak Part 3

Labor Strong-Gym Weak Part 3 He is the million dollar question. If going to the gym will make you stronger than a laborer then why is every man and gym trying to imitate the way a laborer works? But to be cleaver the experts call it functional fitness or functional strength. No matter how you look at it, it’s copying the way of the laborer. Like martial arts that copy animal forms and … [Read more...]

Labor Strong- Gym Weak Part 2

Labor Strong- Gym Weak Part 2 The gym is a big social and ego event for most men and a place to look at women the gym is full of mirrors and nice state of the art equipment with all the new technologies. Here’s a question why do you new technology while walking on a treadmill? It’s just walking, get over yourself. Now look around the gyms what are men really doing to build real strength? The bench … [Read more...]