Strength vs Conditioning – How a 150lb tennis player threw around a 210lb weight lifter.

Strength vs Conditioning – How a 150lb tennis player threw around a 210lb weight lifter. As you probably already know I’ve been a laborer all my life. I was always awed by strength. So, from the time I was 12 years old I started lifting weights and reading anything I could that would get me stronger. All I cared about was getting to the gym for the basics. Bench press, deadlift, … [Read more...]

Bodyweight Training – Are you being suckered?

I can't handle this anymore. Most of these bodyweight gurus are f***'n frauds and I can care less if you don't like it or not. Most of the programs out there are for the weak man. Men that think that strength is physical fitness. I probably have a bigger library of training books then most library's and there is only one or two that actually are worth anything. Don't get me wrong you can … [Read more...]

My take on Jiu Jitsu and you won’t like it.

My take on Jiu Jitsu and you won’t like it. This will probably piss a lot of people off. But I don’t like Jiu Jitsu. I’m often asked what I think about Jiu Jitsu. I have taken Shotokan, Krav Maga, wrestled, street wrestled and lately Muay Thai Kick boxing but have no desire what so ever to learn Jiu Jitsu. Jiu Jitsu will work one on one, it will work in mma. Jiu Jitsu won’t work on … [Read more...]

Weight gain does not equal strength and fitness

Did you know weight gain equals strength? That's because it doesn't. We are under the impression that Johnny Grube @ 240lbs if we gain weight will some how become a superman and be fit. Gaining weight can actually cause you to get weaker and become unfit. We are ego maniacs, we think gaining weight is some kind of miracle for becoming fit and strong. Years ago all I thought about … [Read more...]

Backward Hill Bear Crawls

Bodyweight Training - Backward Hill Bear Crawls Try these for strength. Bear Crawl backwards up hill walk down repeat 10 to 20 times. And the strength you will build will amaze you. Toughness Builds Winners Johnny Grube … [Read more...]

Want to burn more fat and build lean muscle? Stop jogging!

Want to burn more fat and build lean muscle? Stop jogging! That’s right stop jogging. When did jogging become the standard in fitness? In the 60’s 70’s or 80’s. Just because everyone does it doesn’t make it right. Here’s a question. If you are a runner have you achieved the results of a lean muscular body?  I’m not talking about weight loss, I’m talking fat loss. All most all … [Read more...]

Start your day with bodyweight training

How you start the day will determine how the day goes. If you start the day with exercise your day will be super-charged. For you that don't have time to exercise get up 15 minutes earlier and start to sweat. For over 20 years I have trained before work and the results and benefits are amazing, not to mention the attitude knowing that the hardest part of the days done. You don't have to … [Read more...]

Fat Ass Gym Teachers

We have a problem with childhood obesity,and it's only getting worse. Who's fault is it? Ours. The parents, how about the the fat ass gym teachers in the schools. You know the saying " Do as I say not as I do". I don't really remember a real fit gym teacher, I know when my kids where in school they weren't fit. So how can people expect kids to listen to a gym teacher that's fat. These … [Read more...]

Building Explosive bodyweight Strength

Building Explosive bodyweight  Strength Johnny Grube doing explosive plyometric pushup burpees Building explosive bodyweight strength isn't complicated. It's more about taking a simple approach to your training and not over thinking your training.This above exercise is a great way to build a little explosive power into your workout. Doing workouts like the one in the video will … [Read more...]

A 100 lb heavy bag and a mountain – Functional strength

Functional strength seems to be on a lot of peoples minds, for the level fitness they believe they will get from this type of training. I put a new video up showing an exercise you can do using a heavy bag in the video I use a 100 lb heavy bag. I like to use heavy bags because it takes a lot more to control then a sand bag. A heavy bag is hard to get a hold of, a sand bag you can get some … [Read more...]