My opinion on the Paleo Diet and Training Program

I don't think much about the Paleo diet because it really no longer exists. Paleo is mostly to eat clean food. And to eliminate things like legumes, grains etc. The Paleo diet will work I personally have a tough time eating lots of meat. I eat lots of eggs, nuts, seeds lots of vegetables, legumes, quinoa and some meat and chicken and drink tons of water my body just heals faster. But they have … [Read more...]

A Tough Training Style

Workouts wildman style are in my opinion made for almost any situation if you can stomach them! Had a workout the other day in a kayak, 1 hour time limit and the first 30 minutes I went all out for 1 minute then slow paddle 1 minute for 30 minutes then the last 30 just regular non stop paddling and for anyone that know anything about paddling it's very demanding, it was the first time … [Read more...]

The One Thing Making Men Physically and Mentally Weak

From the Urban Dictionary Mentally Weak Showing mental fatigue in a bitch like manor and lacking the mind power to continue even though physically able to.  Everyone who has any clue can look around and see how pathetic men have become. The one thing that has made men so unmanly is societies push for "Sugar Coating" everything! And the so called tough guys are the ones crying the … [Read more...]

Brutal 420 Heavy Bag “Shouldering Slams” in 1 hour

Using a 70 LB heavybag to do what I call "Shouldering Slams" are a working mans strength builder. In the short video demonstrating how I do it, this is not a childs workout and don't let the weight fool you. I don't just do 3 x 10 like MOST people would, I would do this for 5 to 15 minutes straight non stop putting it to my entire body. But this short video was the start of the workout I … [Read more...]

Mountain Biking Steep Hills will Weaken the Strongest Man!

Part of my training is riding my mountain bike. Hold on, I don't get dolled up wearing the bike shorts, bike shirts, clip on shoes or a helmet! I go old school gym shorts, sneakers, sleeveless shirt and wear a bandana on my head. I don't ride the trails or even go off road I find the nastiest steepest hills in my area and hit them with vengeance. I can tell you I have NEVER seen anyone not … [Read more...]

“Conditioned Strength” Makes A Weak Man Strong and A Strong Man Weak

Here is a workout that will test some physical and mental toughness it's very leg intensive and don't think jumping rope is a rest, all it does is make it harder to jump as the legs get tired: Jump rope 50 times - Do 10 step ups on a 15"bench holding a 50 lb plate for 50 non stop rounds when done you will have done 500 step ups holding a 50 lb plate and have jumped rope 2,500 times I have … [Read more...]

Don’t Be Gym and Mirror Strong!

The bullshit going around in today's sick and weak society is that being ripped and lean is the way to total fitness, guess what?  Not all ripped sculpted physiques are of fit men, ever see a crack head? There was a time real tough men were built strong, fit and not so ripped. The ripped body was a product of I feel in the 1980's when bodybuilding magazines hit the selves. The problem is most … [Read more...]

The Jump Rope is a Serious Athletic Building Training Tool

One thing I am glad I decided to learn when I switched from heavy weight training and putting on tons of weight was to learn how to jump rope. Jumping rope was done by a lot of athletes from boxers to wrestlers to football players and when I switched to bodyweight training and wanted to lose 80 lbs I changed the way I trained and the way I ate. One thing I started to do was practice jumping … [Read more...]

The Difference between Squat Thrusts and the 4 Count Burpee

  Decided to do a blog to show what a squat thrust is and what a 4 count burpee or what I call a military squat thrust is. As you can see in the video below is the actual "Squat thrust"   The video below shows the 4 count burpee a.k.a military squat thrust. Try them both, both will give you a great workout, if you can handle lots of reps. These are not exercises that … [Read more...]

The 8 Count Body Builder a Brutal Version

The 8 Count Body Builder is an exercise that people will hate to do. It combines a full body movement requiring a physical and mental toughness. I hear in comments how certain people in the military did these and that they hated them, some say they loved them. The problem I have is if people love them how come people talk more about the new gymnastic way of training or the use of more one … [Read more...]