Over training bullshit! Part 1

Really, over training? When someone gets injured the first thing most people think is they are over training. I do believe people need to rest but the majority really think by treadmill training or kettle bell swinging or doing hundreds of pushups they are over training. All the years I have been training and it's over 30 years my injuries always come from doing something stupid. It wasn't … [Read more...]

Navy Seal type training or Gymnastic type training

Navy Seal type training or Gymnastic type training I guess I look at training differently than the majority. I look at training as something that can be taken out of the gym and in to the real world.I want training that is going to help me survive. Today's workout's focus on training that requires a big learning curve and to me requires too much time. Progression training is what … [Read more...]

Bull Shit! High rep Bodyweight Training will get you strong?

Bull shit! For the past 17 years I have done 99.9 % of my training using high reps. For the experts that tell you calisthenics only condition are so far off, and you know why because most can't stomach through the pain. It's much easier to spend 5 seconds doing heavy bench presses and spend 3 minutes walking back and forth to the water fountain by the big mirrors dropping a triceps pose as they … [Read more...]

Bodyweight Training-Tough 8 – Count Bodybuilder Workout.

Years ago when I read a Navy Seal workout book and was introduced to the dreaded 8 - count bodybuilder I found a tougher than thought exercise. In the book the Seal talked about every Friday they had to do 100 non stop 8 - count body builders and he hated them so much that in the workout section he left them out stating " I left 8 - count bodybuilder out for obvious reasons" He hated them. … [Read more...]

Build Great Strength with this Old School Training Tool

I have told you before I was a weight trainer for many years before my body started to get beat up and started being less effective. Earning my living as a manual laborer and training for over 30 years my body started needing more time to recover than I spent in actual training time. But I didn't give up all old school training tools. I have some that are over 25 years old. One that I … [Read more...]

Bodyweight Training – 15 Minute Workout

Today's workout 100 step ups on 15" bench - 100 pushups feet on 15"bench - Jump rope 100 times - 10 ab wheel roll outs 3 rounds 300 of each and 30 ab wheel roll outs in 14:43  To get this time you have to get after it! There is no time to rest you go through as many times as you can in 15 minutes. Even if you can only do it 1 time you can build from there. Just get out and try … [Read more...]

Building Nontraditional Strength

  Building Nontraditional Strength I believe in building real world strength. When I train I can care less about having a six pack when it comes to abs. I don’t use traditional ab exercises, my everyday training see’s to that. I train with total function in mind very rarely do I do any ab exercise just to do them. Pretty boys that like the plank is fine, I’m not trying to build … [Read more...]

The One Brutal workout everyone hates, but I love!

The One Brutal workout everyone hates, but I love! What’s the one workout everyone has done at least one time in their lives and hate? Furniture moving, anyone who has ever moved or helped someone move knows that it is tough. As a matter of fact unless you are family or a great friend you would probably do whatever you can to avoid helping. Furniture moving is a very demanding type of … [Read more...]

Bodyweight Training – 45lb Backpack Pushup Training

Toughness Builds Winners Johnny Grube www.wildmantraining.com … [Read more...]

Are feeble minded people deciding your limitations?

What feeble minded people are deciding your limits? Just because a weak minded person doesn't think something can be done doesn't mean they are correct. Weak people will always try and keep you at their level of failure. People create and do great things every day, pushing physically and mentally past their limits. Things once thought … [Read more...]