Bodyweight training – Sprinting vs Distance running

  Sprinting burns fat Distance running eats away at your muscles Sprinting builds HGH Distance running lowers HGH Think about this for one minute. Police sprint to catch a criminal, criminal sprints to avoid police. Animal sprints toward you to attack, you sprint away from the animal hoping to not get attacked. Run distance if you want, but it will be sprinting that will … [Read more...]

Wildman How to train for physical and mental toughness

  Toughness Builds Winners   Johnny Grube … [Read more...]

Shut the f*** up wildman!

Fictional Training This is a comment I got on my blog about convict conditioning I  guess I really hurt this scum bags feelings and the reason is people want a super hero story instead of the real truth. Author : you are ignorant E-mail : URL    : Whois  : Comment: Wow, having spent six years in prison I can … [Read more...]

Burpees for Physical and Mental Toughness

Burpees for Physical and Mental Toughness I hear a lot of trainers talking about building mental toughness through training and most talk about running as their way of building mental and physical toughness. I would rather use other means of pushing myself through a little physical and mental pain. If I do run distance I run huge mountain hills or go for a run carrying a 70lb to 100lb … [Read more...]

Special forces battalion and a whoop ass workout!

A quick email to let you know what the Special Forces is doing with "Ultimate Physical Fitness in 5 Minutes" Your new book has pretty much changed the way I look at fitness, It's been kicking my ass and I love every minute of it. I've been doing workouts out of it for my entire special forces battalion and we can't get enough of it. You have pretty much designed the best work-outs I … [Read more...]

Bodyweight training – A quick morning pick me up

Early morning workout can and will energize you for the day not to mention once it's done it's done unless you want to do one in the evening. My early morning pick me up took all of 4:00 minutes. 25 Wildman Plyo Jumpers 50 bench dips 4 rounds non stop total 100 WPJ 200 bench dips not bad for 4:00 minutes try it   Toughness Builds Winners Johnny Grube … [Read more...]

A Rarely used Strength Secret

A Rarely used Strength Secret Most trainers and strength coaches all over the world use a few strength building exercises, the squat, the dead lift, the power clean for over all body power. These are great strength builders, but how effective are they really? And do they promise all the hype of real strength building? I will tell you there is a better way of building overall body … [Read more...]

“Conditioned Strength”

“Conditioned Strength” Years ago I didn’t know the different kinds of strength I only knew that strength and physical fitness always interested me and I was drawn right to it. The only strength athlete was my dad a truck driver over the road furniture mover short and thick, could lift almost anything he got his hands on and could go for hours despite smoking 2 packs of non filter … [Read more...]

I can whip your ass in to shape in a 4×8 space

I can whip your ass in to shape in a 4x8 space It’s been a while since I have sent out a newsletter so I figured I better get one out. Sometimes our life changes and things change but for me training is and always be important. Since I have been 12 years old I have trained but it wasn’t until my early 30’s that I change my focus from power lifting to bodyweight training. Bodyweight … [Read more...]

3 Short Intense Body Blasting Workouts

Finding time to train is never a problem for me. Ever since I switched to mostly body weight training finding time and staying creative has never been a problem. I always carry a jump rope because it's such a great athletic building tool. Yesterdays workouts were done in 3 different places. The first was outside my house. I jumped rope 500 times and did 200 pushups outside my … [Read more...]