Extremely Effective Power Pushup

A great strength builder is using plyometric's as a tool to boost your strength and conditioning, I say it a lot if you want to be like an athlete you train like an athlete. The only way to become the best is by doing things normal people are unwilling to do, to push harder and farther than anyone else. If you do the same things everyone else is doing you will always get everyone else … [Read more...]

The Best Piece of Training Equipment for Building Quickness and Explosiveness

There a lot of sites pushing bodyweight training equipment but the one piece of equipment that has stood the test of time and has built many world champions in almost all sports and it continues to build champions. It builds almost all the things a champion needs to win. It builds explosive power, it builds quickness and agility, and it builds reaction time. The best piece of training … [Read more...]

WWE Tough Enough Bodyweight Conditioning

WWE Tough Enough Bodyweight Conditioning Some already know that I was a pro wrestler on the independent scene on and off for 10 years, and is the main reason I gained all the weight I did in a short time. Out of high school I was 147 lbs and could bench press 330lbs and deadlift 400 lbs at 21 I weighed 175lbs and was a competitive arm wrestler for a short time, but that’s another … [Read more...]

Bodyweight Training for Function.

Not all training was created equal, you can see it everyday just by looking around. Most go to the gym follow whatever they read or see other people doing and as you know this will not always work. If it was just that easy every one would be lean and fit. Most go to the gym and go through the motion and never really get the full benefit of making exercise a life long love. They go … [Read more...]

4,300 Pushups!

4,300 Pushups! Why is it when anyone tells it like it is or tries to be him or herself right away they either have an attitude are arrogant are rude etc. I’m fighting with all the excuses know to man, the body wears down, be careful you don’t get injured I don’t have the time, that type of training doesn’t work for everyone, I didn’t create these workouts. Every year I do a … [Read more...]

A 1,000 Pushups or a Marathon, What’s Tougher?

A 1,000 Pushups or a Marathon, What’s Tougher?   It seems everyone wants to run a marathon like it’s some kind of great achievement. Walking or running 26 miles would be tough, but how do you explain how every celebrity and ex overweight person can do it? I personally have never wanted to run a marathon because of the sear boredom, if I was to run a marathon I would throw in … [Read more...]

How the Power of Pain can Change your Life.

The Power of Pain We do whatever we can do to eliminate pain from our lives, but do we really?  People that smoke know that it’s bad but still do it anyway, why? Because, it would be painful to give up smoking, people that are overweight are overweight because the thought of giving up food is painful. People don’t exercise because in the beginning there will be pain. We do whatever … [Read more...]

Bodyweight Speed Training for Elite Physical Fitness

Bodyweight Speed Training for Elite Physical Fitness The key to building explosive power, unmatched stamina and furnace like fat burning is what I call bodyweight speed training. I hear a lot of people questioning the rational of training fast and explosive, if you listen to most fitness professionals they will show you the slow controlled way of training. Just because the … [Read more...]

Bodyweight Training – The 30 day 60 second Pushup Challenge

Bodyweight Training – The 30 day 60 second pushup challenge What is the 30 day 60 second pushup challenge? For most men it will mean pain and sweat, it will mean a shot to the ego; it will be a wakeup call. This is for men or women that think there is no time to exercise. If you are serious I have a challenge, and all it will take is 1 minute every single day, you heard it right, you … [Read more...]

Bodyweight Strength Philosophy – Part 3

Bodyweight Strength Philosophy – Part 3 This will be the final and third part to “Bodyweight Strength Philosophy”. I want to talk about how the fittest men in the world train. If you look at how the fittest men in the world train, you need to first decide what is being physically fit? Physically fit is not treadmill walking or spending all you’re gym time bench pressing. Going to … [Read more...]