Bodyweight Training – Pushup 300

Bodyweight Training – Pushup 300 A long time ago I heard of a boxer that would challenge his friends to try and do 300 pushups in 5 minutes. This is doing a lot of pushups in a short period of time. The world record for the most pushups in 5 minutes is 441 pushups. These are staggering numbers and I can hear it now, that it's impossible to do that many, they are probably not doing them … [Read more...]

Your Body Is Your Kingdom

Fitness guru and legend Jack Lalanne said " Exercise is King, Nutrition is Queen" I believe the above saying to be true, it's hard to have one with out the other. It's no good to exercise and then sit down and eat unnatural foods. It also makes no sense to eat good and let your muscles get soft and weak from lack of exercise. Many men and women will have you believe that it's okay to eat … [Read more...]

Former Royal Marine is bodyweight training machine and gets the best of me.

A while ago I posted a workout I tried called " The Brutal Wildman Training 2,500 workout which consists of 6 different bodyweight exercise's done in a circuit as fast as possible. 250 burpees, 1,000 jumping jacks, 250 crunches 250 squat thrusts, 500 bodyweight squats, 250 pushups. I posted a time of 49:36 and I thought that was tough, then walks in this former Royal Marine. He emails me and … [Read more...]