Labor Strong-Gym Weak Part 3

Labor Strong-Gym Weak Part 3 He is the million dollar question. If going to the gym will make you stronger than a laborer then why is every man and gym trying to imitate the way a laborer works? But to be cleaver the experts call it functional fitness or functional strength. No matter how you look at it, it’s copying the way of the laborer. Like martial arts that copy animal forms and … [Read more...]

Labor Strong- Gym Weak Part 2

Labor Strong- Gym Weak Part 2 The gym is a big social and ego event for most men and a place to look at women the gym is full of mirrors and nice state of the art equipment with all the new technologies. Here’s a question why do you new technology while walking on a treadmill? It’s just walking, get over yourself. Now look around the gyms what are men really doing to build real strength? The bench … [Read more...]

Labor Strong-Gym Weak Part 1

Here is a topic always being talked about and it seems that some think that going to the gym is the way to real strength and some think a labor is going to be stronger because of the type of work he does day in and day out. Well this is a topic I am the expert and at least can give you a bit of the experience I have seen in my 30 years of training and being a laborer. Despite what anyone … [Read more...]

Strength vs Conditioning – How a 150lb tennis player threw around a 210lb weight lifter.

Strength vs Conditioning – How a 150lb tennis player threw around a 210lb weight lifter. As you probably already know I’ve been a laborer all my life. I was always awed by strength. So, from the time I was 12 years old I started lifting weights and reading anything I could that would get me stronger. All I cared about was getting to the gym for the basics. Bench press, deadlift, … [Read more...]

Want to burn more fat and build lean muscle? Stop jogging!

Want to burn more fat and build lean muscle? Stop jogging! That’s right stop jogging. When did jogging become the standard in fitness? In the 60’s 70’s or 80’s. Just because everyone does it doesn’t make it right. Here’s a question. If you are a runner have you achieved the results of a lean muscular body?  I’m not talking about weight loss, I’m talking fat loss. All most all … [Read more...]

Former Royal Marine is bodyweight training machine and gets the best of me.

A while ago I posted a workout I tried called " The Brutal Wildman Training 2,500 workout which consists of 6 different bodyweight exercise's done in a circuit as fast as possible. 250 burpees, 1,000 jumping jacks, 250 crunches 250 squat thrusts, 500 bodyweight squats, 250 pushups. I posted a time of 49:36 and I thought that was tough, then walks in this former Royal Marine. He emails me and … [Read more...]

Pure Grit – Paddy Doyle

That's the name of Paddy Doyles new book. He talks about his world records his mind set. I have all his books and videos. If you haven't been listen the last couple years, I'm a big fan. He has a circuit in the book that he uses when he trains for certain world records. Here is what he does. 40 pressups. 100 situps. 100 bodyweight squats. 100 U.K. squat thrusts. 100 burpees. 15 minute static … [Read more...]

How 3 minutes of Bodyweight Training will give you guaranteed results.

The word discipline has become a foreign word. The number one thing slipping in our lives is our health and fitness. We are more sick and fatter then ever before, and the only one we can blame is ourselves. We need to take back our lives and get back on track. We need to sit back for a moment and really find out what needs to be done to get us going  in the right direction. We have become a weak … [Read more...]

Bodyweight training- Fit to fight

Bodyweight training- Fit to fight  I love this saying- Fit to fight. I heard this from the #1 man of bodyweight training world records Paddy Doyle. And he has it right, you need to be fit to fight.  More and more men and women are taking to bodyweight training as the way to optimal fitness in record time.  MMA fighters and athletes all over the world are starting to take notice of the benefits of … [Read more...]