Felon Fitness

I'm a collector of books. I have so many health and fitness books on many topics but few are worth while. But I do believe that I can learn at least one thing in any book that can improve something some where. Some times these books just give me a refreshing look at a different angle. As far a FELON FITNESS goes I like it, I think the men in the pictures were ex con's. Either way the … [Read more...]

Training is a priority!

The only way to build true physical fitness is to train your body to be physically fit. It seems like a no brainier, but most people want the most complicated training regime they can find. Most think by using 40 different exercises in a workout will build the ultimate body and build over the moon conditioning. Try keeping track of more than 5 different exercises as you get farther in … [Read more...]

Bodyweight Training – “Winners Train Everyday”

" Winners Train Everyday" I like this saying. But what does it actually mean? Does it mean you have to go hard everyday? Does it mean that if you don't train everyday you will be a loser? My take on this saying is when you let up you get passed. I do train everyday, and have for years. I believe training everyday has allowed me to stay very fit and injury free from conditioned muscle, … [Read more...]

Want to Train Like a Real Animal?

Want to train like a real animal? I hear time in and time out about how someone isn’t going all the way down or he’s not locking out. Okay, why does it matter if he’s not locking out or using a full range of motion? Who made up the rules? If I don’t want to go slow and lockout every pushup and wreck my elbows I’ll rename my pushups to “Speed Pushups” or “Speed Dips” etc. Meaning I … [Read more...]

A Rarely used Strength Secret

A Rarely used Strength Secret Most trainers and strength coaches all over the world use a few strength building exercises, the squat, the dead lift, the power clean for over all body power. These are great strength builders, but how effective are they really? And do they promise all the hype of real strength building? I will tell you there is a better way of building overall body … [Read more...]

Why locking out and using a full range of motion can be crippling!

Why locking out and using a full range of motion can be crippling! Remember you read it here first. Locking out and a full range of motion could be the reason for most injuries over time. First question, when you walk do you lock out at the knee with every movement? Second question, do you walk using a full range of motion? When you stand do you stand knees locked? When you walk are … [Read more...]

Bodyweight Training – 50 Suspension dips on chains

I'm a big believer in using what you have to build a strong and productive body in all environments. I also think that we need creativity to stay motivated to continue to make gains and to keep the mind fresh. In the video I'm doing some dips using chains from a piece of equipment in a park. I rarely do dips on anything other than a dip rack, but these were tough. Because the chains move my … [Read more...]

I can whip your ass in to shape in a 4×8 space

I can whip your ass in to shape in a 4x8 space It’s been a while since I have sent out a newsletter so I figured I better get one out. Sometimes our life changes and things change but for me training is and always be important. Since I have been 12 years old I have trained but it wasn’t until my early 30’s that I change my focus from power lifting to bodyweight training. Bodyweight … [Read more...]

Skipping a meal won’t kill you fat ass!

I can’t help but wonder why people are so against skipping a meal? It won’t kill you. It gives your body a rest and time to repair. The funny thing is that with all research and all the gurus and the diet industries and all the prepackaged food and new weight loss surgeries we are fatter than ever. The new standard is to eat 5 to 6 small meals a day to lose weight, or the percentage diets … [Read more...]

A Truck Stop Workout!

A lot of you probably don't know but I'm a regular guy with a family and a job, and because I started a family at such a young age of 17; I went the path of a steady job with benefits etc. My job is not writing books or training people. My whole life I've been into physical fitness and strength and was stronger and fitter than just about anyone else. For over 30 years I have studied, … [Read more...]