A Navy Seal breathing Heavy & Runners are Weak

Why do I continue to tell people that my blogs and newsletter is not for the normal man or women and still people don't get the idea. I talk about the things other people won't talk about, I talk about real life situations that I see everyday and from the over 30 years of being around the physical labor trade and  gyms. I don't talk much about white collar, that speaks for itself. No … [Read more...]

Bodyweight Training Outdoors – Keeping it fun for great results

Bodyweight Training Outdoors – Keeping it fun for great results Nothing is better than training in the great outdoors. The fresh air, the sun and the environment are very good for a healthy workout.  Years ago I switched from the conventional weight training to the natural training of bodyweight training. The number one biggest benefit I got from switching to a more natural training … [Read more...]

Bodyweight Training – 200 pushups with a twist

Quick workout that is not easy and will only take a few minutes and most will not be able to finish it without a rest. 25 pushups - bear crawl 10 yards - 25 pushups - bear crawl 10 yards continue back and forth until 200 pushup have been completed. The key is to keep moving - don't let your knees touch the ground. Because you will be on your arms through the whole short workout your arms … [Read more...]

Bodyweight Training – Can you handle this Simple Basic Workout?

Basic and Simple is the key to Incredible Fitness. Don't be fooled by the simplicity of short one or two exercise workouts. In my opinion these basic, body conditioning exercises will build a base for any other program you do. I can almost guarantee keeping it basic you will never have a problem with any other program or sport. Try this simple workout and see if you can finish in 20 … [Read more...]

Bodyweight Training – The Bear Crawl a Underrated Powerhouse

The bear crawl is just what I said, a underrated powerhouse. if you look at how the bear crawl works the body and muscles you will soon know what I mean. The bear crawl is tough but will have you in a hot, sweaty mess in near record time. But, the great thing is for an exercise so demanding it's very user friendly when it comes to being easy on the joints, it's a great all around … [Read more...]

Bodyweight Training – Back Pack Training for Building Great Strength

Want to switch up the bodyweight training? Try some back pack training. It's pretty simple, all you need is a strong back pack and add some weight and you have a tool for building great over all body strength. The back pack will force the body to work and stabilize muscles that are not usually used in the traditional way weights will effect them. The weighted back pack will add a … [Read more...]

It’s Your Lack of a Plan and Limitations that Cripple YOU!

It's Your Lack of a Plan and Limitations that Cripple YOU! How can a man at 61 get stronger? Isn't this an excuse for most men? No time or I'm too old. Yet, I continue to get responses from men in their 40′s all the way to their 70′s. But, how can these men make progress and most men or even kids fail to keep up with an exercise program and fail to make any real improvements? Number one … [Read more...]

Training Intensity for better Results

This will be a quick post today, most people believe it's the length of a workout that makes a great workout and I disagree. In my opinion it's the intensity and the type of workouts you do that will bring the quickest results. Most people focus on the thought I have to train for 30 minutes or 60 minutes to get a great result producing workouts, which is just what everyone else does, … [Read more...]

Bodyweight Training – The Real Secrets about Prison Fitness and Strength.

The Real Secrets about Prison Fitness and Strength. So why is everyone so juiced up about prison fitness? What is prison fitness? And why is it so effective? Prison fitness seems to be a real interest to a lot of men and the reason is the so called level of fitness these prisoners achieve behind bars. Do these prisoners have some type of secret? Do they have some type prison … [Read more...]

Extremely Effective Power Pushup

A great strength builder is using plyometric's as a tool to boost your strength and conditioning, I say it a lot if you want to be like an athlete you train like an athlete. The only way to become the best is by doing things normal people are unwilling to do, to push harder and farther than anyone else. If you do the same things everyone else is doing you will always get everyone else … [Read more...]