Bodyweight Training – How Does Your Training Program Compare?

People can talk all day about their training program, if I can accomplish things like 10,000 burpees in a month 1,000 8 count body builders in 2:20 minutes 4,600 bench dips on 15" bench in under 2 hours Swim for 1 hour non stop Do 100 extended superman pushups in under 5 minutes 1,000 Sumo Squats holding a 35 lb rock without putting it down in 41 minutes. Run a mountain carrying an 80lb … [Read more...]

The Godfather of Bodyweight Training

When I was a kid in the 70's and 80's kids were more active in all areas. Kids that weren't active were usually fat, but very few were fat. As kids we played sports, climbed trees, ran, jumped could ride our bikes all day without any problem. Kids could do pullups, pushups could run a full sprint of 100 yards without hesitation. But in the early 1980's I was turned on to lifting weights and … [Read more...]

1,000 Sumo Squats and a 35lb Rock

Training for physical and mental toughness is tough! Most people have no idea why they train and what their goal is. With no goal you will never get results, because you will be switching from one workout to another never being satisfied because you have no idea of what you are after. I focus on very few exercises, over the years I have simplified my training so that I can get the fastest … [Read more...]

10,000 Burpees a Month

So how much is to much? Listen to the experts and they will tell what you are capable of. Over time I have become more hardened when it comes to my training, my training now is no comparison  to the way I trained with heavy weights. I no longer seek out the information of men or trainers that haven't done any great things or push their body beyond their own limits. Over the last 34 … [Read more...]

Bodyweight Training Madman

Charles Bronson the notorious criminal who has been in jail for over 30 years, he was a bare knuckle fighter, boxer, world record holder in situps and pushups and has stayed strong and physically fit on isometrics and bodyweight training, it is said he was doing 6,000 pushups a day. He is the author of many books and is mentioned in all books in the United kingdom of "Bad Asses" His fitness … [Read more...]

Crossfit Pullups are NOT “Old School Pullups!

The crossfit pullup seems to have become the normal type of pullup. There was a time when every expert today would call it anything but a pullup, now because crossfit is so big the "Kipping Pullup" is acceptable and is considered a pullup.   My philosophy if I can get up over a wall up in a tree or get myself out of harms way the way i do pullups are acceptable for what my goals. … [Read more...]

Bodyweight Training Iranian Style Wrestling Pushup using a park bridge

Just something you can do almost anywhere at anytime. These pushups are not as easy as they appear.  You never need any equipment if you don't want to use any, so find a place, any place and get in a workout. Toughness Builds Winners Johnny Grube … [Read more...]

How strong do you really need to be?

How strong do you really need to be? So how strong do you have to be? Do you have to lift heavy to get strong? And what is your definition of strength? Did you decide what being strong is or did social proof decide for you? You do know what social proof is, right? It's what everyone else say's or who you decide to believe and you go with the masses! Is a 300lb or 400lb bench press? … [Read more...]

“Captain America Jones: THE WORLDS FITTEST MAN”

Here is another story of a man who didn't lift heavy weights spent a lot of time doing high rep calisthenics, swimming and running and the things he accomplished are amazing. His training program wasn't today's circus acts or gymnast style calisthenics, it was plain old thousands of reps. Alan "Captain America" Jones a captain in the U.S. Marines 5'9 150 lbs at age 5 a bout with polio … [Read more...]

Manual Labor keeps a Man Strong!

Never seen before Johnny Grube at work! It's one thing to go to the gym and talk shit it's another to lift things all day long 8 to 12 hours a day 5 days a week. In the video at 165lbs throwing a 175lb cylinder on my shoulder and walking across about 10" of slippery snow. Try grabbing something with no grip, smooth solid and very awkward and shoulder it and walk it over uneven type of … [Read more...]