3 Days 5,500 Bodyweight Reps

3 Days 5,500 Bodyweight Reps Sometimes I plan my workouts sometimes they just happen, depending on the kind of time I have. So for the last three days I have done 5,500 bodyweight reps Tuesday 2,500 bodyweight squats, Wednesday 1,000 cargo strap (Atlas Style) pushups and Thursday 2,000 bench dips. The rules I use on myself for the last 3 days was drink water and eat nothing all day while I … [Read more...]

2,500 Bodyweight Squats and No Excuses!

2,500 Bodyweight Squats and No Excuses! I talk a lot about training when you can and where ever you can. We are tricked into thinking that we need some type of equipment to get in a brutal workout. Years ago I put the weights down, dropped my bodyweight 85lbs lighter and got physically fit, and I do it everywhere possible. Today I squeezed in 2,500 Bodyweight squats while putting in a 10 … [Read more...]

Bodyweight Training – Work out used by men to survive in California prisons

Work out used by men to survive in California prisons Here is another story of “Real Prison” fitness. You can always tell whether the man writing has actually been in prison, by the terms he uses. The men that write and complain because they were fooled into thinking something is the right way always seem to attack and are fast to jump to defend themselves. So here is a comment posted by … [Read more...]

Over Training Bullshit Part 2

Like I said in the last post over training is a gym term. For years my dad drove a tractor trailer and moved furniture he drank, smoked and didn't have the greatest diet but he was never sick and worked every day he never called in sore. But most gym trainers get their information from the gym and the people who train there. Most personal trainers can take an online course or a weekend class … [Read more...]

Navy Seal type training or Gymnastic type training

Navy Seal type training or Gymnastic type training I guess I look at training differently than the majority. I look at training as something that can be taken out of the gym and in to the real world.I want training that is going to help me survive. Today's workout's focus on training that requires a big learning curve and to me requires too much time. Progression training is what … [Read more...]

Bull Shit! High rep Bodyweight Training will get you strong?

Bull shit! For the past 17 years I have done 99.9 % of my training using high reps. For the experts that tell you calisthenics only condition are so far off, and you know why because most can't stomach through the pain. It's much easier to spend 5 seconds doing heavy bench presses and spend 3 minutes walking back and forth to the water fountain by the big mirrors dropping a triceps pose as they … [Read more...]

Bodyweight Training-Tough 8 – Count Bodybuilder Workout.

Years ago when I read a Navy Seal workout book and was introduced to the dreaded 8 - count bodybuilder I found a tougher than thought exercise. In the book the Seal talked about every Friday they had to do 100 non stop 8 - count body builders and he hated them so much that in the workout section he left them out stating " I left 8 - count bodybuilder out for obvious reasons" He hated them. … [Read more...]

Building Nontraditional Strength

  Building Nontraditional Strength I believe in building real world strength. When I train I can care less about having a six pack when it comes to abs. I don’t use traditional ab exercises, my everyday training see’s to that. I train with total function in mind very rarely do I do any ab exercise just to do them. Pretty boys that like the plank is fine, I’m not trying to build … [Read more...]

The Biggest Secret to a Street Fighters Conditioning

One secret in a street fight is the way you are conditioned for it. Fighting in the street is another animal. Years ago I learned in Shotokan Karate that no one in the street fights this way, how did I know this? When I was charged at and I realized just somethings will not work. I found that the guy in good condition usually gets the better of the fight when it comes down to throwing … [Read more...]

Burpees for Physical and Mental Toughness

Burpees for Physical and Mental Toughness I hear a lot of trainers talking about building mental toughness through training and most talk about running as their way of building mental and physical toughness. I would rather use other means of pushing myself through a little physical and mental pain. If I do run distance I run huge mountain hills or go for a run carrying a 70lb to 100lb … [Read more...]