The book “Convict Conditioning” NOT the real thing

I usually never ever talk negative about a product but I think it's really pathetic that the book " Convict Conditioning" is a fraud. I own the book and prisoners do not train like that. Do you think the prisoners train like gymnasts? Who is coach Paul Wade? He's probably made up, if he is really what was he in prison for. Knowing a lot of prison guards, police, state police and knowing … [Read more...]

Pushups and suicides are an awesome muscle building combination tough to beat

Pushups and suicides are an awesome muscle building combination tough to beat I have talked for years about the simple approach to physical fitness and health and get a lot of simple doesn’t work for everyone or that there are exceptions. The only exceptions about a simple fitness program come from closed minded people. Think about some of the complicated plans you used and then some of … [Read more...]

Doing Pushups to failure will always increase strength

Doing Pushups to failure will always increase strength Who ever sold people on never pushing to failure? Years ago when I was lifting heavy weights and doing low reps we always pushed as hard as possible squeezing out every last rep, so what has changed? It’s almost like pushing to failure is too much work and we don’t want to push and work to hard we might make gains, is it that you … [Read more...]

I’m Scrawny, and I dare you to Kick Sand in my Face!

Remember the old Charles Atlas dynamic training course? He advertised it in magazines, the ad was a comic strip showing a skinny guy on the beach with his girlfriend and a big dude walks up to him and man handles the scrawny guy embarrassing him, he runs home; orders the course and 14 days later he’s big and back at the beach taking care of business. We still live in a time that it’s … [Read more...]

The 8 Best Bodyweight Exercises Known to Man!

If you want to know the 8 best bodyweight exercises known to man keep reading I have come up with what I think are the best exercises for a total body make over after over 30 years of training and experiments I have rounded out the 8 most intense result producing exercises for building strength, conditioning, agility, quickness, body awareness, and over all athletic ability. They … [Read more...]

Bodyweight Training is NOT Gymnast Training.

Why don't I push gymnastic type exercises? Gymnasts take years and years of training to be able to do what they do, and usually start as a young child. I am not a young child and I don't have the time to spend hours a day to try and act like a gymnast. At one time I could walk pretty well on my hands and that takes great body control. Again, the time factor for me is to get in and get out … [Read more...]

Bodyweight Strength Philosophy – Part 3

Bodyweight Strength Philosophy – Part 3 This will be the final and third part to “Bodyweight Strength Philosophy”. I want to talk about how the fittest men in the world train. If you look at how the fittest men in the world train, you need to first decide what is being physically fit? Physically fit is not treadmill walking or spending all you’re gym time bench pressing. Going to … [Read more...]

Bodyweight Strength Philosophy – Part 2

Bodyweight Strength Philosophy – Part 2 I will start off by saying that whether you lift weights or use your bodyweight if you want to gain weight and muscle you need to take in more calories, if you want to get leaner you burn more calories, you can get learner lifting weights and you can get leaner using your own bodyweight. When I was younger and lifted heavy weights and was bench … [Read more...]

Bodyweight Training – The Hated 8-Count Bodybuilders

The Hated 8-Count Bodybuilders Many think that it takes a complicated well thought out plan to get in great physical shape the fact is that the more time you spend making your training more complicated the less time you spend training. Look at most training plans, most experts give you anywhere from 8 to 15 different exercises in any given workout and unless someone shows me that … [Read more...]

Bodyweight Training -The Bear Crawl Effect

The Bear Crawl Effect Bear Crawls are an exercise that doesn’t get a lot of attention and has been around for many, many years. I first was exposed to them in high school football. But, I remember doing them as a kid and racing my brother. Little kids do these exercises and we don’t even take a second look. Plain and simple Bear Crawls will build a rugged body. Bear Crawls are a … [Read more...]