A Fat Man walks in…..

I pulled in to a parking lot and watched an employee who's belly was hanging down to his thighs. He got in his car and left. I went in the store and while I was in the check out line he walked back in. I guess he was on lunch, when he walked in he was carrying a bag of Mc Donalds food and a big ass iced coffee drink. Young guy, belly hanging down to his thighs and eating Mc Donalds. How … [Read more...]

Bodyweight Training – Back Pack Training for Building Great Strength

Want to switch up the bodyweight training? Try some back pack training. It's pretty simple, all you need is a strong back pack and add some weight and you have a tool for building great over all body strength. The back pack will force the body to work and stabilize muscles that are not usually used in the traditional way weights will effect them. The weighted back pack will add a … [Read more...]

The Heavy Bag a Great Training Tool

I think every one should own a heavy bag, a heavy bag is one of the greatest workouts you can get. Punching the heavy bag as a regular workout will bring great fat burning benefits not to mention the pounding of the bag will build a good amount of upper body strength as well as training your balance and foot work. I have used the bag for years for punching  for lifting and tossing and it … [Read more...]

What is Your Limit

I have said it before to be really fit it has to be a lifestyle a way of life, you never get good at anything doing it once in a while, like anything you need a plan a focused goal and you need to take action. Just because I can't do more one day than the next I would not call it failure, it would call it body adjusting, meaning the body will always adjust. I can't continue to try and explain … [Read more...]

Doing Pushups to failure will always increase strength

Doing Pushups to failure will always increase strength Who ever sold people on never pushing to failure? Years ago when I was lifting heavy weights and doing low reps we always pushed as hard as possible squeezing out every last rep, so what has changed? It’s almost like pushing to failure is too much work and we don’t want to push and work to hard we might make gains, is it that you … [Read more...]

Bodyweight Training – Back Pack Training for Elite Physical Fitness

Bodyweight Training – Back Pack Training for Elite Physical Fitness   A great way to add to you training is to get a good back pack and load it up for a different type of workout.  A weight vest is good but distributes weight pretty evenly, a back pack wants to move around and is always trying to pull you back and forces your body to make adjustments building more muscles as … [Read more...]

Bodyweight Strength Philosophy – Part 3

Bodyweight Strength Philosophy – Part 3 This will be the final and third part to “Bodyweight Strength Philosophy”. I want to talk about how the fittest men in the world train. If you look at how the fittest men in the world train, you need to first decide what is being physically fit? Physically fit is not treadmill walking or spending all you’re gym time bench pressing. Going to … [Read more...]

Labor Strong- Gym Weak Part 2

Labor Strong- Gym Weak Part 2 The gym is a big social and ego event for most men and a place to look at women the gym is full of mirrors and nice state of the art equipment with all the new technologies. Here’s a question why do you new technology while walking on a treadmill? It’s just walking, get over yourself. Now look around the gyms what are men really doing to build real strength? The bench … [Read more...]

“Jack of all trades – Master of none

We have all heard this saying at one time or another. But what does it mean. To me it's a man who can do a lot of different things but not real good at it. This happens a lot with men and women that have a lot of schooling meaning learning smarts. These people really never accomplish much but they can tell you everything and anything you need to know about any subject. I learned a long time … [Read more...]

How to become more athletic and explosive with these.

How to become more athletic and explosive with these. I love taking simple exercises and making them ass kickers. I love the jump rope and for about $ 4.00 you can get a speed rope and all the athletic, not to mention fat burning workout. If you add plyometric pushups with the jump rope now you have a chance to become athletic, burn fat, save lean muscle and build explosive power … [Read more...]