Strength vs Conditioning – How a 150lb tennis player threw around a 210lb weight lifter.

Strength vs Conditioning – How a 150lb tennis player threw around a 210lb weight lifter. As you probably already know I’ve been a laborer all my life. I was always awed by strength. So, from the time I was 12 years old I started lifting weights and reading anything I could that would get me stronger. All I cared about was getting to the gym for the basics. Bench press, deadlift, … [Read more...]

Building Explosive bodyweight Strength

Building Explosive bodyweight  Strength Johnny Grube doing explosive plyometric pushup burpees Building explosive bodyweight strength isn't complicated. It's more about taking a simple approach to your training and not over thinking your training.This above exercise is a great way to build a little explosive power into your workout. Doing workouts like the one in the video will … [Read more...]

A 100 lb heavy bag and a mountain – Functional strength

Functional strength seems to be on a lot of peoples minds, for the level fitness they believe they will get from this type of training. I put a new video up showing an exercise you can do using a heavy bag in the video I use a 100 lb heavy bag. I like to use heavy bags because it takes a lot more to control then a sand bag. A heavy bag is hard to get a hold of, a sand bag you can get some … [Read more...]

Former Royal Marine is bodyweight training machine and gets the best of me.

A while ago I posted a workout I tried called " The Brutal Wildman Training 2,500 workout which consists of 6 different bodyweight exercise's done in a circuit as fast as possible. 250 burpees, 1,000 jumping jacks, 250 crunches 250 squat thrusts, 500 bodyweight squats, 250 pushups. I posted a time of 49:36 and I thought that was tough, then walks in this former Royal Marine. He emails me and … [Read more...]