Bodyweight Training 1,000 Star Jumpers 1,000 Step Ups total 9,500 reps for 5 days

1,000 Star Jumpers 1,000 Step Ups on 15” bench total 9,500 reps for 5 days Friday was jump rope 1,000 times and 1,000 pushups, Saturday’s brutal workout was 1,000 star jumpers and 1,000 step ups on 15” bench total time was 1 hour and 25 minutes. Anyone who thinks it might be easy go ahead give it a try. My plan changes from time to time when I train. Today I planned to do 1,000 Star Jumpers … [Read more...]

3 Days 5,500 Bodyweight Reps

3 Days 5,500 Bodyweight Reps Sometimes I plan my workouts sometimes they just happen, depending on the kind of time I have. So for the last three days I have done 5,500 bodyweight reps Tuesday 2,500 bodyweight squats, Wednesday 1,000 cargo strap (Atlas Style) pushups and Thursday 2,000 bench dips. The rules I use on myself for the last 3 days was drink water and eat nothing all day while I … [Read more...]

2,500 Bodyweight Squats and No Excuses!

2,500 Bodyweight Squats and No Excuses! I talk a lot about training when you can and where ever you can. We are tricked into thinking that we need some type of equipment to get in a brutal workout. Years ago I put the weights down, dropped my bodyweight 85lbs lighter and got physically fit, and I do it everywhere possible. Today I squeezed in 2,500 Bodyweight squats while putting in a 10 … [Read more...]

Bodyweight Training – Work out used by men to survive in California prisons

Work out used by men to survive in California prisons Here is another story of “Real Prison” fitness. You can always tell whether the man writing has actually been in prison, by the terms he uses. The men that write and complain because they were fooled into thinking something is the right way always seem to attack and are fast to jump to defend themselves. So here is a comment posted by … [Read more...]

Bodyweight Training – California Prison Yard workout.

This post will piss some one off, but I'm fine with that. Was watching a little T.V today and was watching "Prison Gangs" and was watching the way the men were working out. And guess what I seen, pushups, dips, pullups, hand ball, shadow boxing, light running. Guess what I didn't see? One legged anything no pistols, one arm pushups, leg raises, no handstand pushups not even a kettle bell, … [Read more...]

Bodyweight training prison style 1000 pushups,600 curls,do 600 dips,do 1000 situps STRAIGHT, non-stop.

Real Prison Fitness Training Ever since I did blogs about what true prison fitness was actually like and went against the book "Convict Conditioning". I got a lot of people pissed off that bought into the "Convict Conditioning" theory. I was told I don't know what I'm talking about and was told to stay in the gym,in the corner and do curls,hahaha pissed off people that were fooled. On … [Read more...]

Build Great Strength with this Old School Training Tool

I have told you before I was a weight trainer for many years before my body started to get beat up and started being less effective. Earning my living as a manual laborer and training for over 30 years my body started needing more time to recover than I spent in actual training time. But I didn't give up all old school training tools. I have some that are over 25 years old. One that I … [Read more...]

The # 1 Weight Loss Solution that is “Guaranteed” to Work.

The Weight Loss Solution that is “Guaranteed” to Work. “Fat people want their cake and want to eat it too” Am I wrong here? If you talk to any fat person about weight loss or a fat person asks you what they can do to lose weight, and you give them an answer; they will almost always put up resistance. Fat people will tell you that I can’t give that up or I’ve heard, I’m Italian and I … [Read more...]

Your Body Is Your Kingdom

Fitness guru and legend Jack Lalanne said " Exercise is King, Nutrition is Queen" I believe the above saying to be true, it's hard to have one with out the other. It's no good to exercise and then sit down and eat unnatural foods. It also makes no sense to eat good and let your muscles get soft and weak from lack of exercise. Many men and women will have you believe that it's okay to eat … [Read more...]