Bodyweight Training – 45lb Backpack Pushup Training

Toughness Builds Winners Johnny Grube … [Read more...]

Are feeble minded people deciding your limitations?

What feeble minded people are deciding your limits? Just because a weak minded person doesn't think something can be done doesn't mean they are correct. Weak people will always try and keep you at their level of failure. People create and do great things every day, pushing physically and mentally past their limits. Things once thought … [Read more...]

Living a Physical Labor Lifestyle

Living a Physical Labor Lifestyle I grew up in a family where my mom and dad earned a living as physical labors. My dad a truck driver furniture mover my mom a packer for the moving company. Everything I grew up around was around being physical. Earning a living as a physical laborer is not easy physically or mentally yet many want to look down on the men and women that actually make the … [Read more...]

Two Secrets To Doing More Pushups

Two Secrets To Doing More Pushups Everyone that trains at some point has done or still does pushups to some degree. The problem is most people really don't work very hard at getting better at pushups. Pushups are usually done to warm up or cool down at the end of a workout. A lot of people don't give the pushup a lot of respect and for what it can and … [Read more...]

FREE Gym Membership

FREE gym membership In every city in America this country has free gym memberships available to anyone who wants them. Where can you find these free gym memberships? All you have to do is open up your front door and walk outside. The outdoors is the biggest gym of all, nature’s gym is all you need to get your body the way you want it. Creativity, imagination and the will to use nature to … [Read more...]

Bodyweight Backpack Pushups

Backpack Pushups If you’re looking for more of a challenge and want to build some serious strength when doing your pushups all you need is a sturdy backpack and some extra weight thrown inside. A weighted pack will test the toughest and strongest men. This is not an exercise for a beginner. For years and still today men all around the world use the bench press as the gauge for strength … [Read more...]

The Over Training and Wearing Out Theory only exist in the Mind of the Weak

One Secret I learned after 30 years of training and manual labor this what I learned Let’s talk a little about how the experts and the majority want you to believe in the over training theory or the wearing out theory. This is my opinion this is not something from a book it’s something I have come believe and been a part of, after 30 years of training and 30 years of manual labor … [Read more...]

Physical Fitness is NOT free

I haven't spent much time writing because I have become disgusted  with how things are being marketed and how we are always being told by so many different experts so many different things. I'm no different, I'm just another person who is doing the same thing. But what I'm not doing is trying to fool anyone with a marketing scheme to make people think that in one week they will lose 12 lbs … [Read more...]

The Biggest Secret to a Street Fighters Conditioning

One secret in a street fight is the way you are conditioned for it. Fighting in the street is another animal. Years ago I learned in Shotokan Karate that no one in the street fights this way, how did I know this? When I was charged at and I realized just somethings will not work. I found that the guy in good condition usually gets the better of the fight when it comes down to throwing … [Read more...]

How to Boost your Fitness Potential with a Simple Concept

Simple concept that will work with health and fitness and also life, focus on what you want to accomplish and don't stop until you are happy with your results. It all starts with one simple action, start doing more of what you want to get good at. Toughness Builds Winners Johnny Grube … [Read more...]