Quit Training Like a Sissy!

The fact is most people want the easy way out when it comes to exercise and nutrition. Most people want to do the least possible to get results. That is why there is a billion dollar weight loss industry. If most people did not want the easy way out there would be no billion dollar weight loss industry, even today's doctors would rather prescribe a pill than give actual medical … [Read more...]

Bodyweight Training Outdoors – Keeping it fun for great results

Bodyweight Training Outdoors – Keeping it fun for great results Nothing is better than training in the great outdoors. The fresh air, the sun and the environment are very good for a healthy workout.  Years ago I switched from the conventional weight training to the natural training of bodyweight training. The number one biggest benefit I got from switching to a more natural training … [Read more...]

Bodyweight Training – Back Pack Training for Building Great Strength

Want to switch up the bodyweight training? Try some back pack training. It's pretty simple, all you need is a strong back pack and add some weight and you have a tool for building great over all body strength. The back pack will force the body to work and stabilize muscles that are not usually used in the traditional way weights will effect them. The weighted back pack will add a … [Read more...]

Wildman Physical Fitness Test

Wildman Physical Fitness Test All of the military have their standard fitness tests and the test seem pretty weak. The elite forces, The Seals, The Green Berets, The Army Rangers etc, all have tougher tests because they are elite, but are these tests really that difficult? I’m talking about the actually fitness test. Well, I want you to try the Wildman Physical Fitness Test, which … [Read more...]

The Big Muscle Ego.

What good is showy muscles if they aren't good for anything? Are we all fighting with a small ego, that if we aren't intimidating we will get smacked around? Or is to attract women? Hey fat men get laid too. And because everyone is fatter more and more fat men still get laid. So what's the reason to look big and massive? I know bodybuilders that are strong and very athletic but most work … [Read more...]

The book “Convict Conditioning” NOT the real thing

I usually never ever talk negative about a product but I think it's really pathetic that the book " Convict Conditioning" is a fraud. I own the book and prisoners do not train like that. Do you think the prisoners train like gymnasts? Who is coach Paul Wade? He's probably made up, if he is really what was he in prison for. Knowing a lot of prison guards, police, state police and knowing … [Read more...]

The Heavy Bag a Great Training Tool

I think every one should own a heavy bag, a heavy bag is one of the greatest workouts you can get. Punching the heavy bag as a regular workout will bring great fat burning benefits not to mention the pounding of the bag will build a good amount of upper body strength as well as training your balance and foot work. I have used the bag for years for punching  for lifting and tossing and it … [Read more...]

Fat People are Boosting the Economy

Fat People are Boosting the Economy Yup, we can thank the fat men and women of this country for boosting economy. Without the fat and diseased there would not be a spike in health care, medical insurance, diet supplements, magazines, newspapers, internet, restaurants, fast food and the beefed up pharmaceutical companies. Why is medical coverage not like auto insurance meaning if you … [Read more...]

A Fat Rant!

We are fat because we would rather live the life of leisure than actually get off our asses and do something about it. Many will say that well you need to have a little fun, spending 4 to 6 hours a night watching television, spending our nights at happy hour, drinking a 12 pack every night is not leisure, what this is, is  living a destructive life that is not helping you or doing anyone else … [Read more...]

What is Your Limit

I have said it before to be really fit it has to be a lifestyle a way of life, you never get good at anything doing it once in a while, like anything you need a plan a focused goal and you need to take action. Just because I can't do more one day than the next I would not call it failure, it would call it body adjusting, meaning the body will always adjust. I can't continue to try and explain … [Read more...]