From weight training to bodyweight training

Let’s see, started lifting at around 12 and the first time I every lifted put 110lbs over my head. In 7th grade bench pressed 200lbs on schools universal gym. In 9th grade at about 145lbs dead lifting 400lbs, would do dips with 110 – 120lbs of weight hanging from a belt would do wide grip pull-ups with 80lbs. In 12th grade at around 145lbs bench pressed 330lbs. Couldn’t gain weight … [Read more...]

Manual Labor keeps a Man Strong!

Never seen before Johnny Grube at work! It's one thing to go to the gym and talk shit it's another to lift things all day long 8 to 12 hours a day 5 days a week. In the video at 165lbs throwing a 175lb cylinder on my shoulder and walking across about 10" of slippery snow. Try grabbing something with no grip, smooth solid and very awkward and shoulder it and walk it over uneven type of … [Read more...]

Training in Solitude Builds a Sadistic Mindset!

For years when growing up I always had many training partners but as life goes on training partners depart. What most people do they make excuses NOT to train, they need that feeling of being part of something. I was lucky and could always motivate myself to train without anyone, hell if I waited for people to train I wouldn't be training. Training alone force's you to get mentally tough, … [Read more...]

Thousands of reps Build Physical and Mental Toughness

It's rare I write a Sunday email, but sometimes I do things that don't make a lot of sense. Like to some people thousands of reps is useless and will hurt my body over time. I love the experts that tell me my limits, and what my body can handle. Can anyone think of many men that trained doing thousands of reps and have a broken up body? How many men that are in their 20's and 30's train … [Read more...]

Bodyweight Training – Training is like an Apprenticeship

All the bulls hit flying around the fitness world is becoming more and more unbearable. No one has any idea what's the best training method for them, the reason people don't get any results is no one wants to spend years learning what will work best for their goals. The people that are  jumping from one workout method to another never learn the basics even though they will tell you how long … [Read more...]

The Jump Rope can make you Amazingly Athletic

The Jump Rope can make you Amazingly Athletic The jump rope is still not a piece of equipment many people think of as important. If I had a choice to either run for fitness or jump rope, jumping rope is my choice. All the years I trained with weights skipping rope was never ever a thought in my world. If you jumped rope I would have thought you were doing nothing more than a school girl … [Read more...]

Training Hard Requires an Aggressive Attitude!

Training Hard Requires an Aggressive Attitude! Today will be a kind of rant; I know you find that hard to believe. Some people don’t like my attitude; guess what? Tough training requires an aggressive attitude. If you walk through life worrying about who you will offend or what others think you will just be like the majority, that being a person trying to fit in with no mind of their … [Read more...]

Bodyweight Training – High Rep Leg Training builds Legendary Conditioning!

High Rep Bodyweight Leg Training builds Legendary Conditioning! Leg training is a brutal type of training that many stay away from. Many think leg training in either running or gym work, and yes this is a form of leg training but leg training is so much more and more brutal than anyone could ever think. Bodyweight training has come a long way, and just as it was making its way back bodyweight … [Read more...]

Simple but Brutal Back Pack Workout

Today had a brutal workout, but it would sound to boring and simple for the average person that trains. When workouts are simple people seem to look past simplicity and look for more complicated. I will tell you that complicated rarely works long term. If when you workout and you find yourself spending to much time trying to remember the next exercise, you are wasting valuable training time … [Read more...]

A Short Manual Labor Background.

A lot of people seem to be trying to figure out what type of work I do. Well here it is. I started working at 12 working for contractors cleaning up and breaking rock, worked with roofers ripping off roofs and carrying shingles. Moved furniture on and off through my life as a second job. Some where right about me working at UPS. But, when I was 17 years old I went to work for a freight … [Read more...]