How the “Toughman and Matt Furey” changed my life!

  Spend 10 minutes watching this 10 minute video and you will here a little about how my life was changed. And how two factors were the cause. All real no bull shit!   Toughness Builds Winners Johnny Grube … [Read more...]

Shut the f*** up wildman!

Fictional Training This is a comment I got on my blog about convict conditioning I  guess I really hurt this scum bags feelings and the reason is people want a super hero story instead of the real truth. Author : you are ignorant E-mail : URL    : Whois  : Comment: Wow, having spent six years in prison I can … [Read more...]

Burpees for Physical and Mental Toughness

Burpees for Physical and Mental Toughness I hear a lot of trainers talking about building mental toughness through training and most talk about running as their way of building mental and physical toughness. I would rather use other means of pushing myself through a little physical and mental pain. If I do run distance I run huge mountain hills or go for a run carrying a 70lb to 100lb … [Read more...]

Bodyweight Training – The 100 Pushup Philosophy

The 100 Pushup Philosophy I have always said a man that can do 100 straight pushups will almost always be in great shape. How can I say that a man that can do only 100 pushups be in great shape? The first thing is 100 straight pushups are not easy for the average man or even most weight trainers. I have been training for over 30 years and have never seen any man do 100 straight pushups … [Read more...]

“Essential Life Training”

"Train Your Body for Real Movement - Not Gym Movement Today I still stand behind my philosophy of training. Some call it performance training I call it essential life training. The days of me worrying about how I look so someone will believe the things or say or write are over. I'm no longer interested in training just to train, I train to live and function better in today's rough and … [Read more...]

Special forces battalion and a whoop ass workout!

A quick email to let you know what the Special Forces is doing with "Ultimate Physical Fitness in 5 Minutes" Your new book has pretty much changed the way I look at fitness, It's been kicking my ass and I love every minute of it. I've been doing workouts out of it for my entire special forces battalion and we can't get enough of it. You have pretty much designed the best work-outs I … [Read more...]

A man walks into a doctor’s office…….Read what happens next!

A man walks into a doctor’s office…….Read what happens next!  True story, I go to get my D.O.T (department of transportation) physical they have to be renewed every two years. The physical is eye exam, hernia, blood pressure, pulse, hearing, breathing and balance. The woman doctor is older and comes in pulls my shirt up and see’s what see thinks is a scar from surgery, I tell her it’s a … [Read more...]

Something I hear time and time again!

Something I hear time and time again Something I hear time and time again is how this guy or that guy is charging too much for a DVD or book. Do people think it's easy to write a book and make DVD's spend the time and energy marketing and creating products just to give it away? The difference between a serious student of fitness and the never will be's are the complainers. It's the … [Read more...]

Bodyweight training – A quick morning pick me up

Early morning workout can and will energize you for the day not to mention once it's done it's done unless you want to do one in the evening. My early morning pick me up took all of 4:00 minutes. 25 Wildman Plyo Jumpers 50 bench dips 4 rounds non stop total 100 WPJ 200 bench dips not bad for 4:00 minutes try it   Toughness Builds Winners Johnny Grube … [Read more...]

Felon Fitness

I'm a collector of books. I have so many health and fitness books on many topics but few are worth while. But I do believe that I can learn at least one thing in any book that can improve something some where. Some times these books just give me a refreshing look at a different angle. As far a FELON FITNESS goes I like it, I think the men in the pictures were ex con's. Either way the … [Read more...]