The Genetic Theory

What do I mean about the genetic theory? I here from time to time about how genetics play a big role in peoples lives. And they do, but I think a lot of people use it as an excuse to be fat or to be weak. There is genetic freaks out there, but the potential still needs to be worked and worked hard. Some are stronger than others and that's the way it is but the fact remains we all have more … [Read more...]

The Strongest Man I Ever Knew

It' no secret I spent my whole life lifting weights from the time I was 12 to about 30 years old. The first time I ever lifted any weights I put 110lbs over my head and I weighed 98 lbs. I was always obsessed  with gaining weight and getting stronger. All the years I studied and read about real strong men never really seeing to many real strong men, not even in the gym.  I did spot a man … [Read more...]