I can whip your ass in to shape in a 4×8 space

I can whip your ass in to shape in a 4x8 space It’s been a while since I have sent out a newsletter so I figured I better get one out. Sometimes our life changes and things change but for me training is and always be important. Since I have been 12 years old I have trained but it wasn’t until my early 30’s that I change my focus from power lifting to bodyweight training. Bodyweight … [Read more...]

3 Short Intense Body Blasting Workouts

Finding time to train is never a problem for me. Ever since I switched to mostly body weight training finding time and staying creative has never been a problem. I always carry a jump rope because it's such a great athletic building tool. Yesterdays workouts were done in 3 different places. The first was outside my house. I jumped rope 500 times and did 200 pushups outside my … [Read more...]

Skipping a meal won’t kill you fat ass!

I can’t help but wonder why people are so against skipping a meal? It won’t kill you. It gives your body a rest and time to repair. The funny thing is that with all research and all the gurus and the diet industries and all the prepackaged food and new weight loss surgeries we are fatter than ever. The new standard is to eat 5 to 6 small meals a day to lose weight, or the percentage diets … [Read more...]

A Truck Stop Workout!

A lot of you probably don't know but I'm a regular guy with a family and a job, and because I started a family at such a young age of 17; I went the path of a steady job with benefits etc. My job is not writing books or training people. My whole life I've been into physical fitness and strength and was stronger and fitter than just about anyone else. For over 30 years I have studied, … [Read more...]

Bodyweight Training – My Workout Draws Attention From Local Police

My Workout Draws Attention From Local Police I want to tell you about a training session I had in a strange place that drew the attention of the local police. Last week my company vehicle broke down under an overpass, so while I was waiting for road service I figured I’d get in a workout. The great thing about bodyweight training, when you want a great workout and there is no equipment … [Read more...]

Skip Your Next Meal, It Won’t Kill You!

Skip Your Next Meal, It Won’t Kill You! We are constantly hearing from experts and doctors don’t skip meals if you want to lose weight. I disagree. The experts want you to eat five or six times small meals a day for weight loss. The concept is that by eat five or six small meals a day will keep you from being hungry and will keep your metabolism high. What the experts don’t tell you is … [Read more...]

Blue Collar DNA

Blue Collar DNA Is it possible to have blue collar DNA? We all know we can’t change our DNA, but what about the way you are brought up. Our country was built on blue collar DNA meaning nothing was easy it was a fight every single day. Some people are just brought up to be blue collar and some are brought up to be white collar but the funny thing is, is that our bodies are made to … [Read more...]

A Great Short Workout While Pulled Over in Traffic

Today while working coming through a construction site I was forced to pull over and wait for traffic to move. I took the time and got in a short workout of Jump Squats and Hindu pushups it was hot but I got in a short fast workout that got the blood pumping and a good sweat. It never takes any equipment or any special place to get in a great workout. I get a workout in anywhere I can. I've … [Read more...]

Here are a few crazy thoughts!

Here are a few crazy thoughts I believe in training for real life. The way the body is used in everyday activity is the way it should be trained. I hear so much talk about injury and how to prevent injury, why are we talking about injury? What we focus on we tend to get more of, focus on injury and injury prevention are you really going to get the results you want? If every time you … [Read more...]

The Basics Build Over all Conditioning

Most people think that building a high level of physical fitness and strength comes from training when they feel like it. Physical fitness never has or never will be built on a when I feel like training attitude. True physical fitness is built over a life time of sweat and punishment and the rewards are amazing. Everyday I have people emailing me and telling me how just changing a few … [Read more...]