Doing Pushups to failure will always increase strength

Doing Pushups to failure will always increase strength Who ever sold people on never pushing to failure? Years ago when I was lifting heavy weights and doing low reps we always pushed as hard as possible squeezing out every last rep, so what has changed? It’s almost like pushing to failure is too much work and we don’t want to push and work to hard we might make gains, is it that you … [Read more...]

60 seconds of training burns out man!

A while back I wrote a article called the " 60 second - 30 day pushup challenge" and know this works. Anyhow, I have actually heard and read where some guy actually said he was burned out with only 1 minute a day of pushups, are you F***'en kidding me? How can any healthy man, unless he is extremely unfit or unhealthy get burned out with 60 seconds of pushups one time a day? 1 minute of … [Read more...]

The Warriors Natural Bodyweight

The Warriors Natural Bodyweight We seem to have a problem determining what our natural bodyweight should be. If you look at all government charts look at your height and weight you will get a roundabout weight you should weigh. But if you look at old charts, let’s say 20 years ago you may see the weights today compared to 20 or 30 years ago lower than today. So, why the change? Because … [Read more...]

Did Cavemen have Six Pack Abs?

Did cavemen have six pack abs? If you listen to all the experts, all the research and the years and years of study, we found that most still has different thoughts on the right diet for humans. Which brings me to the title of this article; did cavemen have six pack abs? If you listen to the experts who push the Palo diet and tell of the natural diet of the caveman, they would lead you to … [Read more...]

The # 1 Weight Loss Solution that is “Guaranteed” to Work.

The Weight Loss Solution that is “Guaranteed” to Work. “Fat people want their cake and want to eat it too” Am I wrong here? If you talk to any fat person about weight loss or a fat person asks you what they can do to lose weight, and you give them an answer; they will almost always put up resistance. Fat people will tell you that I can’t give that up or I’ve heard, I’m Italian and I … [Read more...]

Your Body Is Your Kingdom

Fitness guru and legend Jack Lalanne said " Exercise is King, Nutrition is Queen" I believe the above saying to be true, it's hard to have one with out the other. It's no good to exercise and then sit down and eat unnatural foods. It also makes no sense to eat good and let your muscles get soft and weak from lack of exercise. Many men and women will have you believe that it's okay to eat … [Read more...]