The 8 Count Body Builder a Brutal Version

The 8 Count Body Builder is an exercise that people will hate to do. It combines a full body movement requiring a physical and mental toughness. I hear in comments how certain people in the military did these and that they hated them, some say they loved them. The problem I have is if people love them how come people talk more about the new gymnastic way of training or the use of more one … [Read more...]

Bodyweight Training – Build Punch Proof Abs with the Old School Ab Wheel

Many years ago in the early 80's I seen WWF Champ Bob Backlund demonstrate the old school ab wheel. Never thought much of it until high school. One day an old janitor named Mr Mealy made his way in the  weight room, he was in his middle 60's short and stocky. He grabbed a 60lb barbell laid it on the floor and did a standing roll out using the 60 lb barbell. At the time we were all very … [Read more...]

How Do You Build Physical And Mental Toughness?

  I am a big fan of mental and physical toughness. Every man will tell you they are physically and mentally tough but their lifestyle contradicts their belief. I have heard people comment on the high rep training that I do, and how boring it seems. They are right; it is boring and downright physically and mentally painful. My question is how do you build toughness? You don't build … [Read more...]

Bull Shit Training Trickery

Bull Shit Training Trickery I do not train people in a gym, live in a gym or earn my living training people in a gym and it is by choice. Bodyweight tricks and gadgetry no longer appeals to me. I have a job and don’t want to spend hours going to a gym learning how to be a gymnast. I was also caught up in to the party tricks of “Look at what I can do”. With a manual labor job where my body is … [Read more...]

A 35 lb Rock picked up and pressed 807 times!

I like to take one day a week in my training and do what I call a "Mental Toughness Day" I feel most people that train don't push themselves enough. Of course every single person that trains will tell you they work hard! They know what it's like to push hard. The more and more I talk to the average muscle head and listen to his training workouts and with my years of being in the gym, most … [Read more...]

Bodyweight Training – How Does Your Training Program Compare?

People can talk all day about their training program, if I can accomplish things like 10,000 burpees in a month 1,000 8 count body builders in 2:20 minutes 4,600 bench dips on 15" bench in under 2 hours Swim for 1 hour non stop Do 100 extended superman pushups in under 5 minutes 1,000 Sumo Squats holding a 35 lb rock without putting it down in 41 minutes. Run a mountain carrying an 80lb … [Read more...]

1,000 Sumo Squats and a 35lb Rock

Training for physical and mental toughness is tough! Most people have no idea why they train and what their goal is. With no goal you will never get results, because you will be switching from one workout to another never being satisfied because you have no idea of what you are after. I focus on very few exercises, over the years I have simplified my training so that I can get the fastest … [Read more...]

Working Man’s Strength Builder

A forgotten exercise and if it is done is never done like a  manual labor. In gyms people will put a barbell across their shoulder and do a few reps the bar is balanced thin and the few reps do not mimic the way a laborer works. Now when you throw something unstable on your shoulder and step up and down for a 100 or more reps with out dropping the bag you will be tested. I love the heavy … [Read more...]