It’s too easy to be weak in today’s society and people just accept it.
Men have always needed to be strong.
Today most college educated men can’t even raise a family on a single income, they work 40 hours, and expect their wives to work just as hard, then expect their wives to take care of the kids while they sit around watching sports, they mostly likely never played drinking booze while they get weaker and fatter, then want to talk about their feelings with their wives when they have a bad day.
Men used to be problem solvers, the head of the house, the leader, the man your wife and kids looked up to, to fix the problems, not anymore.
I wish I could see that this was changing, but as long as people give weak men a pass it will continue to erode the legacy of what a man has always been.
Men should be tough on their kids, but men should be tougher on themselves.
Men no longer hold themselves to higher standards, and it’s because men are afraid they will be labeled
toxic, and somehow society has gone from looking at strong men as the problem and weak men the savior.
When a societies men become weak, the society crumbles or it’s taken by stronger men.
Men need to be hard on themselves, they need other men that will hold them accountable!
I guess I have no time for men who make excuse’s and hear it every single day.
The word “responsibility” is an ugly word and might as well be considered foul language.
Don’t believe?
Try telling a man to take responsibility and to stop blaming all his fuck ups on everyone
else, then they get their feelings hurt and then want “Conflict”, because telling a man to take responsibility is like calling the man a pussy!
Are you are pussy, afraid of responsibility?
Toughen Up!
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